2004 journal article
CIC-2 chloride secretion mediates prostaglandin-induced recovery of barrier function in ischemia-injured porcine ileum
GASTROENTEROLOGY, 127(3), 802–815.
Contributors: A. Moeser n, M. Haskell*, *, D. Little*, B. Schultz & A. Blikslager*
2004 journal article
Neutrophils augment recovery of porcine ischemia-injured ileal mucosa by an IL-1β- and COX-2-dependent mechanism
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 287(1), G50–G57.
Contributors: K. Young*, A. Moeser*, S. Jones* & A. Blikslager* n, F. Bottone Jr.,
2004 journal article
Physiological concentrations of bile salts inhibit recovery of ischemic-injured porcine ileum
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 287(2), G399–G407.
Contributors: N. Campbell n, C. Ruaux, *, J. Steiner, D. Williams & A. Blikslager*
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