Works (4)
2008 journal article
Autophobicity-driven surface segregation and patterning of core-shell microgel nanoparticles
NANO LETTERS, 8(9), 3010–3016.

2006 journal article
Tunable instability mechanisms of polymer thin films by molecular self-assembly
LANGMUIR, 22(21), 8642–8645.

2004 journal article
Dewetting behavior of a block copolymer/homopolymer thin film on an immiscible homopolymer substrate
LANGMUIR, 20(20), 8659–8667.

2004 journal article
Dewetting of star nanogel/homopolymer blends from an immiscible homopolymer substrate
MACROMOLECULES, 37(21), 7857–7860.