@article{young_2017, title={"How drie a Cinder this world is": Dissociation of Sensibility Redux}, volume={24}, number={2}, journal={Ben Jonson Journal}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2017}, pages={163–186} } @article{young_2014, title={Milton and solitude}, volume={21}, number={1}, journal={Ben Jonson Journal}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2014}, pages={92–113} } @misc{young_2006, title={Secret Shakespeare: Studies in theatre, religion and resistance.}, volume={59}, number={2}, journal={Renaissance Quarterly}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2006}, pages={642–643} } @misc{young_2004, title={John Donne, 'Essayes in Divinity, Being Several Disquisitions Interwoven with Meditations and Prayers'}, volume={26}, number={3}, journal={Renaissance and Reformation}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2004}, pages={17–19} } @article{young_2003, title={Withered stumps of time: The waste land and mythic disillusion}, volume={38}, number={2}, journal={Intercollegiate Review}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2003}, pages={24–32} } @inbook{young_2002, title={Fresh piece of excellent witchcraft}, booktitle={Shakespeare's last plays: Essays in literature and politics}, publisher={Lanham, Md.: Lexington}, author={Young, R. V.}, editor={Smith, S. W. and Curtright, T.Editors}, year={2002}, pages={217–238} } @misc{young_2002, title={Seven metaphysical poets: A structural study of the unchanging self}, volume={101}, number={2}, journal={Journal of English and Germanic Philology}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2002}, pages={258–261} } @inbook{young_2001, title={From Mansfield to Manhattan: The abandoned generation of metropolitan}, booktitle={Doomed bourgeois in love: Essays on the films of Whit Stillman}, publisher={Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2001}, pages={49–62} } @inbook{young_2001, title={The Reformations of the Sixteenth centuries}, booktitle={Christian marriage: A historical study}, publisher={New York: Crossroad Pub.}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2001}, pages={269–301} } @book{young_2000, title={Doctrine and devotion in seventeenth-century poetry: Studies in Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, and Vaughan}, ISBN={0859915697}, publisher={Woodbridge, Suffolk; Rochester, NY: D.S. Brewer}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2000} } @article{young_2000, title={Love, poetry and John Donne in the love poetry of John Donne}, volume={52}, number={4}, journal={Renascence}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={2000}, pages={251–273} } @book{young_1999, title={At war with the word: Literary theory and liberal education}, ISBN={1882926277}, publisher={Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={1999} } @inbook{young_1997, title={A translation of three chapters of Justus Lipsius}, booktitle={Cambridge translations of renaissance philosophical texts, Vol. I}, publisher={Cambridge: Cambridge University Press}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={1997}, pages={200–209} } @misc{young_1997, title={Before Foucault: review of Cleanth Brooks and the rise of modern criticism by M. R. Winchell}, number={72}, journal={First Things (New York, N.Y.)}, author={Young, R.}, year={1997}, pages={50–52} } @article{young_1997, title={Elvis and the religion of Atheists}, volume={16}, number={2}, journal={Culture Wars}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={1997}, pages={15–17} } @article{young_1997, title={Juliet and Shakespeare's other nominalists}, volume={33}, number={1}, journal={Intercollegiate Review}, author={Young, R. V.}, year={1997}, pages={18–29} } @book{young_hester_1996, title={Principles of letter-writing: A bilingual text of Justi Lipsii Epistolica institutio}, ISBN={0809319586}, publisher={Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press}, author={Young, R. V. and Hester, M. T.}, year={1996} }