@article{pollen_daubert_prabhasankar_drake_gumpertz_2004, title={Quantifying fluid food texture}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1745-4603"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1745-4603.2004.35515.x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Instrumental and sensory methods were studied to quantify specific textural attributes of fluid foods. Of the numerous tests performed, instrumental and sensory analyses each identified appropriate techniques for viscosity and yield stress evaluation. Multivariate analyses showed good correlation between these select methods for instrumental and sensory viscosity (r = 0.90) and yield stress (r = 0.96). Individually, principal component analysis showed differentiation between viscosity and yield stress methods, indicating these properties measured separate textural attributes of fluid foods. Although viscosity and yield stress are not the sole properties comprising fluid food texture, in combination these properties provide a more complete description of fluid food texture.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF TEXTURE STUDIES}, author={Pollen, NR and Daubert, CR and Prabhasankar, R and Drake, MA and Gumpertz, ML}, year={2004}, pages={643–657} }