@article{ozen_noble_2005, title={Assessing age-0 year-class strength of fast-growing largemouth bass in a tropical reservoir}, volume={25}, ISSN={["1548-8675"]}, DOI={10.1577/M04-036.1}, abstractNote={Abstract}, number={1}, journal={NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT}, author={Ozen, O and Noble, RL}, year={2005}, month={Feb}, pages={163–170} } @article{ozen_noble_2005, title={Relationship between largemouth bass recruitment and water level dynamics in a Puerto Rico reservoir}, volume={21}, ISSN={["2151-5530"]}, DOI={10.1080/07438140509354416}, abstractNote={Abstract Recruitment of largemouth bass at age-1 in a Puerto Rico reservoir can be predicted from water level variables of the previous year. Age-1 largemouth bass electrofishing catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) as an index of year-class strength varied five fold between 1994 and 2001 in Lucchetti Reservoir, Puerto Rico. The CPUE of age-1 largemouth bass was higher in years when the water level of the previous years (1993–2000) remained high during the spawning period (January-June). The greatest water level drop (11.2 m) during the spawning period was observed in 1999, resulting in a water volume decrease of 66.5%, which corresponded to the lowest recruitment (CPUE 24.2 fish·h−1). With only 2.6 m of water level drop and 18.3% water volume decrease during the spawning period, the 1995 largemouth bass cohort was the strongest (CPUE 128.3 fish·h−1). The effect of these hydrological variables on largemouth bass recruitment appeared to be exponential rather than linear. Age-1 largemouth bass comprise the majority of the fishable stock in Lucchetti Reservoir, and the stock is typically below carrying capacity. Thus, the potential exists to adopt a water level management plan during the spawning period of largemouth bass to ensure successful largemouth bass recruitment into the next year's fishable stock.}, number={1}, journal={LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT}, author={Ozen, O and Noble, RL}, year={2005}, month={Mar}, pages={89–95} }