@article{beucler_drake_foegeding_2005, title={Design of a beverage from whey permeate}, volume={70}, DOI={10.1111/j.1365-2621.2005.tb07203.x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT: Wheypermeate (WP) is a byproduct ofwhey protein ingredient production, and primarily contains water, lactose, and minerals, with minimal fat and protein. The majority of the WP produced in the United States is disposed of via land-spreading or is used as a component in animal feed. However, WP could be utilized in the growing beverage industry. The objectives of this study were to conduct descriptive sensory analysis of a wide selection of commercial beverages and to design a beverage utilizing WP. The descriptive sensory properties (visual, flavor, and texture/mouth-feel) of fifteen commercial beverages were determined using a trained descriptive panel (n= 11).WP with and without hydrolysis of lactose was subsequently incorporated into a basic beverage formula, substituted for 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of water. Consumers (n = 100) evaluated beverages withWP and commercial beverages for overall acceptability, flavor liking, and thirst-quenching ability. Drinks made with lower levels (25% and 50%) of either hydrolyzed or unhydrolyzed WP were more similar to the commercial beverages in visual and flavor properties than beverages containing higher percentages (75% and 100%) ofWP. All drinks made withWP were higher in electrolyte (Na, K, Zn, Mg, P) content compared with a commercial sports beverage (P < 0.05). Beverage incorporation represents a value-added utilization for low levels ofWP}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Food Science}, author={Beucler, J. and Drake, M. and Foegeding, E. A.}, year={2005}, pages={S277–285} }