Works (4)
2013 journal article
Sorption of Simazine and S-Metolachlor to Soils from a Chronosequence of Turfgrass Systems
WEED SCIENCE, 61(3), 508–514.
2009 journal article
Soil Organic Matter Changes in Turfgrass Systems Affect Binding and Biodegradation of Simazine
CROP SCIENCE, 49(4), 1481–1488.
2007 journal article
Efficacy of application placement equipment for tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) growth and seedhead suppression
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(3), 801–806.
2005 journal article
Saline irrigation affects Belonolaimus longicaudatus and Hoplolaimus galeatus on seashore paspalum
Journal of Nematology, 37(1), 37–44.