Works (4)
2008 review
Chemistry surrounding Group 7 complexes that possess Poly(pyrazolyl)borate ligands
[Review of ]. Organotransition metal chemistry of poly(pyrazolyl)borates, pt 1, 56, 95–153.
2006 journal article
Reactions of TpRu(CO)(NCMe)(Ph) with electron-rich olefins: examples of stoichiometric C-S, C-O and C-H bond cleavage
Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England), (9), 982–984.
2006 journal article
Reactions of a Ru(II) phenyl complex with substrates that possess C-N or C-O multiple bonds: C-C bond formation, N-H bond cleavage, and decarbonylation reactions
ORGANOMETALLICS, 25(6), 1500–1510.

2005 journal article
Ruthenium(II)-mediated carbon-carbon bond formation between acetonitrile and pyrrole: Combined experimental and computational study
ORGANOMETALLICS, 24(21), 5015–5024.