Works (5)
2017 journal article
Accumulation of medium-chain, saturated fatty acyl moieties in seed oils of transgenic Camelina sativa
PLOS ONE, 12(2).
Contributors: Z. Hu n, n, J. Dalal n, N. Vasani n, H. Lopez n, H. Sederoff n , R. Qu n

2013 journal article
Modeling the heterogeneous effects of retained austenite on the behavior of martensitic high strength steels
International Journal of Fracture, 184(1-2), 241–252.
2010 journal article
Increasing inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate metabolism affects drought tolerance, carbohydrate metabolism and phosphate-sensitive biomass increases in tomato
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 8(2), 170–183.
Contributors: M. Khodakovskaya*, C. Sword*, n, I. Perera n , W. Boss n, C. Brown n, H. Winter Sederoff

2006 journal article
Enhancer trapping in woody plants: Isolation of the ET304 gene encoding a putative AT-hook motif transcription factor and characterization of the expression patterns conferred by its promoter in transgenic Populus and Arabidopsis
PLANT SCIENCE, 171(2), 206–216.

2006 journal article
Identification of the lacZ insertion site and beta-galactosidase expression in transgenic chickens
Contributors: P. Mozdziak n , n, J. Bradford n, S. Pardue n, S. Borwornpinyo n, C. Giamario n, J. Petitte n