Works (5)
2010 journal article
Micro-fluidic channels on nanopatterned substrates: Monitoring protein binding to lipid bilayers with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 489(1-3), 121–126.
Contributors: R. Perez-Castillejos*, D. Hahn *, A. Smirnov n & H. Grebel * *,

2006 journal article
Adaptive two-stage designs in phase II clinical trials
STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 25(19), 3382–3395.

2006 journal article
Racial differences among high-risk patients presenting with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (results from the SYNERGY trial)

1997 article
Elimination of sub-oxide transition regions at Si-SiO2 interfaces by rapid thermal annealing at 900 degrees C
Lucovsky, G., Banerjee, A., Niimi, H., Koh, K., Hinds, B., Meyer, C., … Kurz, H. (1997, June). APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, Vol. 117, pp. 202–206.
1997 article
Minimization of sub-oxide transition regions at Si-SiO2 interfaces by 900 degrees C rapid thermal annealing
Lucovsky, G., Banerjee, A., Hinds, B., Claflin, B., Koh, K., & Yang, H. (1997, June). MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, Vol. 36, pp. 207–210.