Works (2)

Updated: July 5th, 2023 15:55

2007 journal article

Analyzing the energy-time trade-off in high-performance computing applications


By: V. Freeh n, D. Lowenthal*, F. Pan n, N. Kappiah n, R. Springer*, B. Rountree*, M. Femal n

author keywords: high-performance computing; power-aware computing
TL;DR: The results show that, for programs that have a memory or communication bottleneck, a power-scalable cluster can save significant energy with only a small time penalty, and it is possible to both consume less energy and execute in less time by increasing the number of nodes while reducing the frequency-voltage setting of each node. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 chapter

Safe overprovisioning: Using power limits to increase aggregate throughput

In T. N. V. B. Falsafi (Ed.), Power-aware computer systems: 4th International Workshop, PACS 2004, Portland, OR, USA, December 5, 2004 (Lecture notes in computer science; 3471) (Vol. 3471, pp. 150–164).

By: M. Femal n & V. Freeh n

Ed(s): T. B. Falsafi

TL;DR: Host-based and network-centric models are proposed to monitor and coordinate the distribution of power with the fundamental goal of increasing throughput and initial results with a synthetic benchmark indicate throughput increases of nearly 6% from a staticly assigned, power managed environment and over 30% from an unmanaged environment. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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