Works (5)
2007 journal article
QTL mapping of root aerenchyma formation in seedlings of a maize x rare teosinte "Zea nicaraguensis" cross
PLANT AND SOIL, 295(1-2), 103–113.

2006 journal article
Isozyme and morphological variation in maize of five Andean countries
Maydica, 51(1), 25–42.
2006 article
Variation for root aerenchyma formation in flooded and non-flooded maize and teosinte seedlings
Mano, Y., Omori, F., Takamizo, T., Kindiger, B., Bird, R. M. K., & Loaisiga, C. H. (2006, March). PLANT AND SOIL, Vol. 281, pp. 269–279.

2006 journal article
Zea models and matrices, measures and materials
Maydica, 51(1), 103–122.
2000 journal article
A remarkable new teosinte from Nicaragua: Growth and treatment of progeny
Maize Genetics Cooperation Newsletter, (74), 58.