Works (9)
2013 journal article
Differences in X-Chromosome Transcriptional Activity and Cholesterol Metabolism between Placentae from Swine Breeds from Asian and Western Origins
PLOS ONE, 8(1).

2013 journal article
Growth Requirements and Chromosomal Instability of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Generated from Adult Canine Fibroblasts
Stem Cells and Development, 22(6), 951–963.
Contributors: S. Koh n, R. Thomas n, n, S. Bischoff n, J. Lim n, M. Breen n , N. Olby n , J. Piedrahita n

2012 journal article
Lack of genomic imprinting of DNA primase, polypeptide 2 (PRIM2) in human term placenta and white blood cells
EPIGENETICS, 7(5), 429–431.

2011 journal article
Transcriptional profiling of human placentas from pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia reveals disregulation of sialic acid acetylesterase and immune signalling pathways
PLACENTA, 32(2), 175–182.

2009 journal article
Characterization of Conserved and Nonconserved Imprinted Genes in Swine

2008 journal article
Identification of SNPs and INDELS in swine transcribed sequences using short oligonucleotide microarrays
BMC Genomics, 9(1), 252.

2008 article
Successful cloning of the Yucatan minipig using commercial/occidental breeds as oocyte donors and embryo recipients
Estrada, J. L., Collins, B., York, A., Bischoff, S., Sommer, J., Tsai, S., … Piedrahita, J. A. (2008, June). CLONING AND STEM CELLS, Vol. 10, pp. 287–296.

2006 article
Annotation of the Affymetrix(1) porcine genome microarray
Tsai, S., Cassady, J. P., Freking, B. A., Nonneman, D. J., Rohrer, G. A., & Piedrahita, J. A. (2006, August). ANIMAL GENETICS, Vol. 37, pp. 423–424.

2006 journal article
Detection of transcriptional difference of porcine imprinted genes using different microarray platforms
BMC Genomics, 7.