Works (7)
2012 journal article
Structurally Conserved Nop56/58 N-terminal Domain Facilitates Archaeal Box C/D Ribonucleoprotein-guided Methyltransferase Activity

2010 journal article
Signature amino acids enable the archaeal L7Ae box C/D RNP core protein to recognize and bind the K-loop RNA motif
RNA, 16(1), 79–90.

2009 journal article
A Dimeric Structure for Archaeal Box C/D Small Ribonucleoproteins
SCIENCE, 325(5946), 1384–1387.

2009 journal article
A role for hydrophobicity in a DielsAlder reaction catalyzed by pyridyl-modified RNA
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 37(9), 3074–3082.

2007 review
In vitro reconstitution and affinity purification of catalytically active archaeal box C/D sRNP complexes
[Review of ]. RNA modification, 425, 263–282.
2007 article
The TRIUMF nuclear structure program and TIGRESS
Garrett, P. E., Andreyev, A., Austin, R. A. E., Ball, G. C., Bandyopadhyay, D., Becker, J. A., … Zganjar, E. F. (2007, August). NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, Vol. 261, pp. 1084–1088.

2006 journal article
Assembly of the archaeal box C/D sRNP can occur via alternative pathways and requires temperature-facilitated sRNA remodeling
Journal of Molecular Biology, 362(5), 1025–1042.