@article{xiang_kuznetsov_seyam_2009, title={Combined numerical and experimental investigation on the effect of jet pressure and forming belt geometry on the hydroentanglement process}, volume={100}, ISSN={["1754-2340"]}, DOI={10.1080/00405000701770563}, abstractNote={Hydroentanglement is a mechanical bonding process utilised to produce nonwoven fabrics. A web of loose fibres is put on a forming belt or perforated screen to form an integrated fabric with desired aesthetics by subjecting the web to multiple rows of fine high-pressure water jets. Mechanical performance of hydroentangled nonwovens is determined by the degree of the fibre entanglement, which depends on process parameters. This study presents the results of combined experimental and numerical investigation on the effects of the jet pressure and forming belt geometry on fibre entanglement. Extensive comparisons of simulations with experimental data are reported and analysed to give a clear understanding of the effect of fibreweb and forming belt properties on the critical jet pressure. The modelling results are in good correlation with experimental data for a wide range of jet pressures. The effect of the jet count per unit length on the degree of fibre entanglement is also investigated.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE}, author={Xiang, P. and Kuznetsov, A. V. and Seyam, A. M.}, year={2009}, month={May}, pages={293–304} } @article{xiang_kuznetsov_seyam_2009, title={Experimental and numerical investigation of the peeling force required for the detachment of fabric from the forming belt in the hydroentanglement process}, volume={100}, ISSN={["1754-2340"]}, DOI={10.1080/00405000701679723}, abstractNote={Hydroentanglement is a fast-growing process for manufacturing non-woven fabrics. In this process, multiple fine jets of highly pressurised water are directed towards a fibreweb composed initially of loose fibres, supported by the forming belt. The impact of the jets causes fibre entanglement in the fibreweb and produces an integrated fabric with desired aesthetics. It is important that, at the end of the process, the fibreweb could be easily separated from the forming wires. In this paper, the peeling force required for the separation of the hydroentangled fabric from the forming wires is measured experimentally. Numerical simulations of the hydroentanglement process are also carried out to predict the probability of fibres to be pushed in the knuckles of the forming wires. The fibres that get caught in the knuckles are mainly responsible for the peeling force of the fabric from the forming wires. The fibreweb is modelled as a porous layer, which is supported by forming wires. By correlating experimental results with simulations, a mathematical model, which is based on simulating average vorticity around the forming wires, is developed to predict the peeling force. The effect of the thickness of the fibreweb layer on the peeling force is investigated.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE}, author={Xiang, P. and Kuznetsov, A. V. and Seyam, A. M.}, year={2009}, pages={99–110} } @article{xiang_kuznetsov_seyam_2008, title={A porous medium model of the hydroentanglement process}, volume={11}, ISSN={["1934-0508"]}, DOI={10.1615/JPorMedia.v11.i1.30}, abstractNote={In the hydroentanglement process, a fiberweb composed of initially loose fibers, which is supported by forming wires, continuously passes under several manifolds of multiple fine jets of highly pressurized water. The impact of the jets causes fiber entanglement in the fiberweb and produces a high-quality fabric. In this article, a theoretical model of the hydroentanglement process is developed. The fiberweb is modeled as a porous layer, which is supported by a periodic net of forming wires. The model is based on the assumption that the degree of fiber entanglement and, consequently, the strength of the fabric are proportional to the average water vorticity in the fiberweb. Numerical simulations are performed to study the water flow field and the vorticity in the fiberweb. The effects of the thickness of the porous fiberweb layer, its permeability, and the inlet water jet velocity on the degree of fiber entanglement are investigated. Simulations show that most of the fibers are entangled in the MD-CD plane. There is a critical fiberweb thickness for a given jet pressure, and a critical jet velocity for a given fiberweb thickness. If the fiberweb thickness or jet velocity is larger than critical, the process is not efficient.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA}, author={Xiang, P. and Kuznetsov, A. V. and Seyam, A. M.}, year={2008}, pages={35–49} } @article{xiang_kuznetsov_2008, title={Simulation of shape dynamics of along flexible fiber in a turbulent flow in the hydroentanglement process}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1879-0178"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2008.01.006}, abstractNote={This paper presents the numerical investigation of dynamics of the shape of a long flexible fiber subjected to a turbulent flow field caused by impinging jets in the hydroentanglement process. The shape change of a long flexible fiber is simulated utilizing the rod–chain model following the method developed in Wang et al. [G. Wang, W. Yu, C. Zhou, Optimization of the rod chain model to simulate the motion of a long flexible fiber in simple shear flows, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 25 (2006) 337–347.]. The method is extended to simulate the fiber movement in a turbulent flow field; two-dimensional simulations are performed. The shape of the fiber is determined by forces and torques exerted on it by the surrounding fluid as well as by the neighboring fibers. Numerical results are obtained for two model representations of the same fiber which differ by the number of rods used to represent the fiber.}, number={5}, journal={INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER}, author={Xiang, P. and Kuznetsov, A. V.}, year={2008}, month={May}, pages={529–534} } @article{xiang_kuznetsov_seyam_2007, title={Fibers caught in the knuckles of the forming wires: Experimental measurements and physical origins of the force of peeling in the hydroentanglement process}, volume={2}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics}, author={Xiang, P. and Kuznetsov, A. V. and Seyam, A. M.}, year={2007}, pages={1–9} } @article{xiang_kuznetsov_seyam_2007, title={Simulation of fiber entanglement by modeling vorticity in water flow field}, volume={77}, ISSN={["0040-5175"]}, DOI={10.1177/0040517506069158}, abstractNote={ This research developed a model of the hydroentanglement process, based on the first principles of fluid mechanics. This model proceeded from the assumption that fiber entanglement in the hydroentanglement process is proportional to the average vorticity in the fiberweb. Two-dimensional simulations of the water flow through the fiberweb and forming surfaces were performed in the plane perpendicular to the machine direction (MD). In these two-dimensional simulations the time-dependent development of the flow field was investigated, and it was found that the vortices induced by the water jets were influenced by the jet pressure and diameter. It was shown that the maximum average vorticity in the fiberweb occurred at a water jet diameter of 0.127 mm which explains why jets of such diameter are commonly used in industry. Three-dimensional simulations were also performed to account for the realistic geometry of the computational domain. The influence of the forming surface permeability was investigated and it was shown that the fiber entanglement increased as the open area of the forming surface decreased. }, number={5}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Xiang, Ping and Kuznetsov, Andrey V. and Seyam, Abdel-Fattah M.}, year={2007}, month={Sep}, pages={312–329} } @article{kuznetsov_xiang_2006, title={Numerical investigation of thinning of the intercellular bridge during cell cytokinesis}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1879-0178"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2006.05.005}, abstractNote={This paper develops a numerical model for intercellular bridge dynamics during the final stages of cell division known as cell cytokinesis. The aim of this research is to provide understanding as well as a quantitative description of transport processes during formation and thinning of the intercellular bridge. From a microfluidic standpoint, intercellular bridge is a squeezing microchannel or a squeezing pump. The rate of pumping based on squeezing increases with increased squeezing tension, which is determined by the number of myosin-II molecular motors recruited into the intercellular bridge region.}, number={9}, journal={INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER}, author={Kuznetsov, A. V. and Xiang, Ping}, year={2006}, month={Nov}, pages={1071–1078} }