Works (2)

Updated: July 5th, 2023 15:55

2006 journal article

Utilization of polar metabolite profiling in the comparison of juvenile wood and compression wood in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)

TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 26(11), 1497–1503.

By: T. Yeh n, C. Morris n, B. Goldfarb n, H. Chang n & J. Kadla n

author keywords: gas chromatography; gravitropism; normal wood; principal component analysis (PCA); wind; xylem tissue
MeSH headings : Carbohydrates / analysis; Carboxylic Acids / analysis; Phylogeny; Pinus taeda / chemistry; Pinus taeda / classification; Pinus taeda / metabolism; Plant Stems / physiology; Wood / chemistry; Wood / classification; Wood / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Forest ecology and management; Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Studies; Forest Insect Ecology and Management
TL;DR: Substantial increases in abundances of coniferin and p-glucocoumaryl alcohol separated immature JW-forming Xylem tissues of the control trees from the CW-forming xylem of the bent and swayed trees. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 conference paper

Variation of a-cellulose content and related metabolites during wood formation in loblolly pine

13th ISWFPC Proceedings, 13.

By: C. Morris, B. Goldfarb, F. Isik, C. Li, H. Chang, R. Sederoff, J. Kadla

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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