Works (6)
2016 journal article
Effect of Plant Species, Fertilizer Acidity/Basicity, and Fertilizer Concentration on pH of Soilless Root Substrate
HORTSCIENCE, 51(12), 1596–1601.

2012 journal article
Transgenic Stra8-EYFP pigs: a model for developing male germ cell technologies
TRANSGENIC RESEARCH, 21(2), 383–392.

2011 journal article
Production of ELOVL4 transgenic pigs: a large animal model for Stargardt-like macular degeneration
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 95(12), 1749–1754.

2007 journal article
Synchronization and superovulation of mature cycling gilts for the collection of pronuclear stage embryos

2002 journal article
Conservation and regeneration of transgenic lines of swine by semen cryopreservation and artificial insemination
Lab Animal, 31(1), 25–31.
1997 journal article
Genetically engineered large animal model for studying cone photoreceptor survival and degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa
NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, 15(10), 965–970.