Works (44)
2025 article
Anomalous thermal transport in Eshelby twisted van der Waals nanowires
Liu, Y., Jin, L., Pandey, T., Sun, H., Liu, Y., Li, X., … Yao, J. (2025, February 12). NATURE MATERIALS, Vol. 2.
2024 journal article
Highly confined epsilon-near-zero and surface phonon polaritons in SrTiO<sub>3</sub> membranes

2024 article
Highly confined epsilon-near-zero and surface phonon polaritons in SrTiO<sub>3</sub> membranes (vol 15, 4743, 2024)
Xu, R., Crassee, I., Bechtel, H. A., Zhou, Y., Bercher, A., Korosec, L., … Liu, Y. (2024, October 2). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 15.
2024 journal article
Unraveling sources of emission heterogeneity in Silicon Vacancy color centers with cryo-cathodoluminescence microscopy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
2023 review
Accelerating Quantum Materials Development with Advances in Transmission Electron Microscopy
[Review of ]. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 123(3), 12757–12794.

2023 journal article
Controlling Valley-Specific Light Emission from Monolayer MoS2 with Achiral Dielectric Metasurfaces
Nano Letters.
2023 article
Size-Induced Ferroelectricity in Antiferroelectric Oxide Membranes
Xu, R., Crust, K. J., Harbola, V., Arras, R., Patel, K. Y., Prosandeev, S., … Hwang, H. Y. (2023, March 19). ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 3.

2022 journal article
Controllable Edge Epitaxy of Helical GeSe/GeS Heterostructures
Nano Letters.
2021 journal article
Topotactic Growth of Free-Standing Two-Dimensional Perovskite Niobates with Low Symmetry Phase
Nano Letters, 21(11), 4700–4707.
2021 journal article
Tunable room-temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped two-dimensional van der Waals ZnO
Nature Communications, 12, 3952.
2020 journal article
Chemically Modulating the Twist Rate of Helical van der Waals Crystals
Chemistry of Materials, 32(1), 299–307.
2020 journal article
Growth and Properties of Dislocated Two-dimensional Layered Materials
MRS Advances.
2020 journal article
Solution-Based Synthesis of Layered Two-Dimensional Oxides as Broadband Emitters
ACS Nano, 14(11), 15544–15551.
2020 journal article
Tunable valleytronics with symmetry-retaining high polarization degree in SnS<inf>x</inf>Se<inf>1-x</inf> model system
Applied Physics Letters, 116(6).
2019 journal article
Helical van der Waals crystals with discretized Eshelby twist
Nature, 570(7761), 358–362.
Contributors: , J. Wang *, S. Kim *, H. Sun *, F. Yang *, Z. Fang *, N. Tamura *, R. Zhang * *
2019 conference paper
Helical van der Waals crystals with discretized twist
2019 MRS Fall meeting. Presented at the 2019 MRS Fall meeting, Boston, MA.
2018 journal article
Solution-based, template-assisted realization of large-scale graphitic ZnO
ACS Nano, 12(8), 7554–7561.
Contributors: K. Tom*, S. Lin*, L. Wan *, J. Wang *, N. Ahlm*, . A.T. N'Diaye *, K. Bustillo *, J. Huang *
2018 journal article
Three-dimensional Architecture Enabled by Strained Two-dimensional Material Heterojunction
Nano Letters, 18(3), 1819–1825.
Contributors: S. Lou *, * , F. Yang *, S. Lin*, R. Zhang *, Y. Deng *, M. Wang *, K. Tom*
2017 journal article
A volumetric full-color display realized by frequency upconversion of a transparent composite incorporating dispersed nonlinear optical crystals
NPG Asia Materials, 9, e394.
2017 journal article
Alloying effect on bright-dark exciton states in ternary monolayer Mo <inf>x</inf> W<inf>1-x</inf>Se<inf>2</inf>
New Journal of Physics, 19(7).
Contributors: , K. Tom*, X. Zhang *, S. Lou *, Y. Liu * & J. Yao * *
2015 journal article
Three-dimensional visualization of carbon networks in nanocomposites
Nanotechnology, 26(44).
2014 journal article
Environmental Electron Microscopy: Electron Beam Effects in Electrochemistry
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20(S3), 1616–1617.
2014 journal article
In Situ Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy for Characterizing the Evolution of Solidifying Water Ice in Colloidal Systems
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20(2), 330–337.

2014 journal article
In situ observation of electrolytic H2 evolution adjacent to gold cathodes
Chemical Communications, 50(14), 1761–1763.
2013 journal article
Growth kinetics and morphological evolution of ZnO precipitated from solution
Chemistry of Materials, 25(15), 2927–2933.

2013 conference paper
In situ TEM investigation of ZnO precipitation from solution
Hard Material Seminar. Presented at the Hard Material Seminar, Urbana, Illinois.
2012 journal article
Challenges associated with in-situ TEM in environmental systems: The case of silver in aqueous solutions
Ultramicroscopy, 116, 34–38.
2012 journal article
Electron beam induced deposition of silicon nanostructures from a liquid phase precursor
Nanotechnology, 23(38), 385302.
2012 journal article
In-Situ TEM in Complex Environments: Photocatalysis
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), 1072–1073.
2011 journal article
Modification of long range order in germanate glass by ultra fast laser
Chemical Physics Letters, 511(4-6), 266–269.
2011 journal article
Synthesis of nanocrystalline cubic zirconia using femtosecond laser ablation
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13, 1183–1190.

2010 journal article
Light and heat driven precipitation of copper nanoparticles inside Cu2+-doped borate glasses
Chemical Physics Letters, 485(1-3), 91–94.

2010 conference paper
Modification of glasses using a high repetition rate femtosecond laser
US-China Winter School on New Functionalities in Glass -an International Symposium on Functional Glasses. Presented at the US-China Winter School on New Functionalities in Glass -an International Symposium on Functional Glasses, Hangzhou, China.
2010 journal article
Purple-to-yellow tunable luminescence of Ce3+ doped yttrium–silicon–oxide–nitride phosphors
Chemical Physics Letters, 451(4-6), 218–221.
2009 journal article
Confocal Raman imaging of femtosecond laser induced microstructures in germanate glasses
Chemical Physics Letters, 477(1-3), 122–125.
2009 journal article
Conversion of near-ultraviolet radiation into visible and infrared emissions through energy transfer in Yb2O3 doped SrO-TiO2-SiO2 glasses
Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 063508.

2009 journal article
Femtosecond laser writing of Er3+ doped CaF2 crystalline patterns in glass
Optics Letters, 34(21), 3433–3435.

2009 journal article
Greatly enhanced effect of silver on femtosecond laser-induced precipitation of nonlinear optical crystals in glasses
Optics Letters, 34(11), 1666–1668.

2009 journal article
Micromodification of element distribution in glass using femtosecond laser irradiation
Optics Letters, 34(2), 136–138.
2009 journal article
Preparation of Zirconia Nanoparticles by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid
Chemistry Letters, 38(11), 1102–1103.

2008 journal article
Co-operative downconversion luminescence in Tm3+/Yb3+ : SiO2–Al2O3–LiF–GdF3 glasses
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41(17), 175111.

2008 journal article
Cooperative downconversion luminescence in Pr3+/Yb3+:SiO2–Al2O3–BaF2–GdF3 glasses
Journal of Materials Research, 23, 3090–3095.

2008 journal article
Femtosecond laser direct writing of crystalline TiO2 patterns in glass
Applied Physics. B: Lasers and Optics, 93, 613–617.
2008 journal article
Femtosecond laser induced coordination transformation and migration of ions in sodium borate glasses
Applied Physics Letters, 92, 121113.
Updated: July 3rd, 2022 16:05
Updated: July 3rd, 2022 16:07