Leonor .F.S. Leandro
Works (3)
2007 journal article
Strawberry growth and productivity in fumigated compared to compost-amended production systems
HortScience, 42(2), 227–231.
2006 journal article
Population dynamics of Trichoderma in fumigated and compost-amended soil and on strawberry roots
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 35(1), 237–246.

2004 journal article
Evaluation of Trichoderma strains as biocontrol tools for integrated management of strawberry root rot
Proceedings of a Meeting of the WGs : Management of Plant Diseases and Arthropod Pests by BCAs and Their Integration in Agriculture Systems at S. Michele All'Adige, Trentino, Italy, 9-13 June 2004.
Ed(s): I. Y. Elad & A. Enkegaard