Emily Dell
Works (6)
2012 journal article
Heat stress and N fertilization affect soil microbial and enzyme activities in the creeping bentgrass (Agrostis Stolonifera L.) rhizosphere
Applied Soil Ecology, 56, 19–26.

2011 journal article
Microbial and soil properties in bentgrass putting greens: Impacts of nitrogen fertilization rates
GEODERMA, 162(1-2), 215–221.

2010 journal article
Chemical composition of dissolved organic matter in agroecosystems: Correlations with soil enzyme activity and carbon and nitrogen mineralization
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 46(3), 426–435.

2010 journal article
The community composition of soil-denitrifying bacteria from a turfgrass environment

2008 journal article
Intensive management affects composition of betaproteobacterial ammonia oxidizers in turfgrass systems
MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, 56(1), 178–190.

2006 journal article
Soil enzyme activities and organic matter composition in a turfgrass chronosequence
PLANT AND SOIL, 288(1-2), 285–296.