@article{gebreyes_thakur_dorr_tadesse_post_wolf_2009, title={Occurrence of spvA Virulence Gene and Clinical Significance for Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Strains}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0095-1137"]}, DOI={10.1128/JCM.01660-08}, abstractNote={ Nontyphoidal Salmonella strains are important reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance. An important issue that has not been investigated is whether the multiresistant Salmonella strains are more virulent than their susceptible counterparts. Salmonella isolates collected from clinical human ( n = 888) and porcine ( n = 2,120) cases at the same time period and geographic location were investigated. Antimicrobial susceptibility, PCR analysis for the spvA virulence gene, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) genotyping were done. Carriage of spvA was associated with multidrug-resistant (MDR) type ACSSuT strains (odds ratio, 7.1; P < 0.05), a type often implicated in bacteremic human cases. PFGE revealed that clinical isolates from pigs were more clonally related to those of human origin than the nonclinical porcine isolates. The findings suggest that MDR strains that also carry specific virulence factors are more likely to be of clinical significance. }, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY}, author={Gebreyes, Wondwossen A. and Thakur, Siddhartha and Dorr, Paul and Tadesse, Daniel A. and Post, Karen and Wolf, Leslie}, year={2009}, month={Mar}, pages={777–780} } @article{dorr_baker_almond_wayne_gebreyes_2007, title={Epidemiologic assessment of porcine circovirus type 2 coinfection with other pathogens in swine}, volume={230}, ISSN={["1943-569X"]}, DOI={10.2460/javma.230.2.244}, abstractNote={Abstract Objective—To identify important pathogens and characterize their serologic and pathologic effects in porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-infected pigs in relation to pig age and type of swine production system. Design—Cross-sectional study. Animals—583 conventionally reared pigs. Procedures—3- (n = 157), 9- (149), 16- (152), and 24-week-old (125) pigs from 41 different 1-, 2-, and 3-site production systems (5 pigs/age group/farm) were euthanized and necropsied. Pigs with and without PCV2 infection were identified (via PCR assay); infection with and serologic responses to other pathogens and pathologic changes in various tissues (including lungs) were assessed. Logistic regression models were constructed for effects overall and within each age group and type of production system. Results—Compared with PCV2-negative pigs, PCV2-positive pigs were more likely to have swine influenza virus (SIV) type A and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infections and sample-to-positive (S:P) ratios for SIV H1N1 from 0.50 to 0.99; also, PCV2-positive pigs had higher serum anti-porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) antibody titers and more severe lung tissue damage. Infection with SIV (but lower SIV H1N1 S:P ratio) was more likely in 3-week-old PCV2-positive pigs and evidence of systemic disease was greater in 16-week-old PCV2-positive pigs than in their PCV2-negative counterparts. By site type, associations of coinfections and disease effects between PCV2-positive and -negative pigs were greatest in 3-site production systems. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—In PCV2-positive pigs, coinfections with SIV, M hyopneumoniae, and PRRSV are important, having the greatest effect in the early to late nursery phase and in 3-site production systems.}, number={2}, journal={JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, author={Dorr, Paul M. and Baker, Rodney B. and Almond, Glen W. and Wayne, Spencer R. and Gebreyes, Wondwossen A.}, year={2007}, month={Jan}, pages={244–250} } @article{dorr_gebreyes_almond_2007, title={Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: Age and management system disease modeling for pathogenic co-infection}, volume={15}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Swine Health and Production}, author={Dorr, P. M. and Gebreyes, W. A. and Almond, G. W.}, year={2007}, pages={258–263} }