2017 journal article
Levels of selection shaping caste interactions during queen replacement in the honey bee, Apis mellifera
INSECTES SOCIAUX, 64(2), 227–240.
2012 journal article
The effects of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) queen reproductive potential on colony growth
INSECTES SOCIAUX, 60(1), 65–73.
2011 journal article
Experimentally induced variation in the physical reproductive potential and mating success in honey bee queens
INSECTES SOCIAUX, 58(4), 569–574.
2011 journal article
The physical, insemination, and reproductive quality of honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.)
APIDOLOGIE, 42(1), 1–13.
2007 journal article
Comparison of parasitic mites in Russian-Hybrid and Italian honey bee (Hymenoptera : Apidae) colonies across three different locations in north Carolina
journal article
Comparing pairs of Russian and Italian colonies by new beekeepers in North Carolina
Tarpy, D. R., Summers, J., Keller, J. J., & Hensey, W. American Bee Journal, 147(2), 149–152.
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