Elizabeth J. Parks
Works (3)
2011 journal article
Population Genetic Analysis of Tomato spotted wilt virus on Peanut in North Carolina and Virginia
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 101(1), 147–153.

2010 journal article
An Assessment of the Genetic Diversity in a Field Population of Phytophthora nicotianae with a Changing Race Structure
PLANT DISEASE, 94(4), 455–460.

2007 article
First report of Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus, a component of sweetpotato virus disease, in North Carolina.
Abad, J. A., Parks, E. J., New, S. L., Fuentes, S., Jester, W., & Moyer, J. W. (2007, March). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 91, pp. 327–327.