@article{wang_cotanch_general_2008, title={Meson and tetra-quark mixing}, volume={55}, ISSN={["1434-6044"]}, DOI={10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0605-7}, abstractNote={The mixing between qq̄ meson and qq̄qq̄ tetra-quark states is examined within an effective QCD Coulomb gauge Hamiltonian model. Mixing matrix elements of the Hamiltonian are computed and then diagonalized yielding an improved prediction for the low-lying JPC=0±+,1– isoscalar spectra. Mixing effects were found significant for the scalar hadrons but not for the 1– states, which is consistent with the ideal mixing of vector mesons. A perturbative assessment of the exact QCD kernel is also reported.}, number={3}, journal={EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C}, author={Wang, Ping and Cotanch, Stephen R. and General, Ignacio J.}, year={2008}, month={Jun}, pages={409–415} } @article{wang_leinweber_thomas_young_2007, title={Chiral extrapolation of nucleon magnetic form factors}, volume={75}, number={7}, journal={Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology}, author={Wang, P. and Leinweber, D. B. and Thomas, A. W. and Young, R. D.}, year={2007} } @article{general_wang_cotanch_llanes-estrada_2007, title={Light 1(-+) exotics: Molecular resonances}, volume={653}, ISSN={["1873-2445"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.physletb.2007.08.015}, abstractNote={Highlights in the search for nonconventional (non qqbar) meson states are the pi_1(1400) and pi_1(1600) exotic candidates. Should they exist, mounting theoretical arguments suggest that they are tetraquark molecular resonances excitable by meson rescattering. We report a new tetraquark calculation within a model field theory approximation to Quantum Chromodynamics in the Coulomb gauge supporting this conjecture. We also strengthen this claim by consistently contrasting results with exotic state predictions for hybrid (q qbar g) mesons within the same theoretical framework. Our findings confirm that molecular-like configurations involving two color singlets (a resonance, not a bound state) are clearly favored over hybrid or color-exotic tetraquark meson (q qbar q qbar atoms) formation. Finally, to assist needed further experimental searches we document a useful off-plane correlator for establishing the structure of these exotic systems along with similar, but anticipated much narrower, states that should exist in the charmonium and bottomonium spectra.}, number={2-4}, journal={PHYSICS LETTERS B}, author={General, Ignacio J. and Wang, Ping and Cotanch, Stephen R. and Llanes-Estrada, Felipe J.}, year={2007}, month={Sep}, pages={216–223} } @article{wang_thomas_williams_2007, title={Phase transition from hadronic matter to quark matter}, volume={75}, number={4}, journal={Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics}, author={Wang, P. and Thomas, A. W. and Williams, A. G.}, year={2007} } @article{cotanch_general_wang_2007, title={QCD Coulomb gauge approach to exotic hadrons}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1434-6001"]}, DOI={10.1140/epja/i2006-10234-2}, abstractNote={The Coulomb gauge Hamiltonian model is used to calculate masses for selected JPC states consisting of exotic combinations of quarks and gluons: ggg glueballs (oddballs), q¯g hybrid mesons and q¯q¯ tetraquark systems. An odderon Regge trajectory is computed for the J- glueballs with intercept much smaller than the pomeron, explaining its nonobservation. The lowest 1-+ hybrid-meson mass is found to be just above 2.2GeV while the lightest tetraquark state mass with these exotic quantum numbers is predicted around 1.4GeV consistent with the observed π(1400).}, number={4}, journal={EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A}, author={Cotanch, S. R. and General, I. J. and Wang, P.}, year={2007}, month={Mar}, pages={656–661} } @article{wang_lyman_mackay_anholt, title={Natural variation in odorant recognition among odorant-binding proteins in Drosophila melanogaster}, volume={184}, number={3}, journal={Genetics}, author={Wang, P. and Lyman, R. F. and Mackay, T. F. C. and Anholt, R. R. H.}, pages={759–767} } @article{arya_weber_wang_magwire_negron_mackay_anholt, title={Natural variation, functional pleiotropy and transcriptional contexts of odorant binding protein genes in Drosophila melanogaster}, volume={186}, number={4}, journal={Genetics}, author={Arya, G. H. and Weber, A. L. and Wang, P. and Magwire, M. M. and Negron, Y. L. S. and Mackay, T. F. C. and Anholt, R. R. H.}, pages={1475–623} } @article{rollmann_wang_date_west_mackay_anholt, title={Odorant receptor polymorphisms and natural variation in olfactory behavior in Drosophila melanogaster}, volume={186}, number={2}, journal={Genetics}, author={Rollmann, S. M. and Wang, P. and Date, P. and West, S. A. and Mackay, T. F. C. and Anholt, R. R. H.}, pages={687–364} }