Works (20)
2011 conference paper
Characterization of a three-phase dual active bridge DC/DC converter in Wye-Delta connection for a high frequency and high power applications
2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4183–4188.
2001 journal article
Applicability of the Fermi golden rule and the possibility of low-field runaway transport in nitrides
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13(28), 6233–6246.

2001 journal article
Continuum model of optical phonons in a nanotube
Superlattices and Microstructures, 29(6), 405–409.

2001 journal article
Phonons in III–V nitrides: Confined phonons and interface phonons
Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 11(2-3), 277–280.
2001 journal article
Ultraviolet raman study of A(1)(LO) and E-2 phonons in InxGa1-xN alloys
2000 journal article
Energy-dependent electron scattering via interaction with optical phonons in wurtzite crystals and quantum wells
Physical Review B, 61(3), 2034–2040.

2000 journal article
Photoluminescence and recombination mechanisms in GaN/Al0.2Ga0.8N superlattice
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 76(15), 1969–1971.

1999 journal article
Confined phonons and phonon-mode properties of III–V nitrides with wurtzite crystal structure
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 263-264, 510–513.
1999 journal article
Dispersion of polar optical phonons in wurtzite quantum wells
Physical Review B, 59(7), 5013–5020.
1999 journal article
Phase instability and electron-assisted renormalization of acoustic phonon spectrum in free-standing quantum wires
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 263-264, 522–525.
1999 journal article
Phonon dynamics and lifetimes of AlN and GaN crystallites
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 4S1(G6.65).

1999 journal article
Raman analysis of phonon lifetimes in AlN and GaN of wurtzite structure
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 59(20), 12977–12982.
1999 journal article
Raman analysis of the E1 and A1 quasi-longitudinal optical and quasi-transverse optical modes in wurtzite AlN
1999 journal article
Tailoring of optical phonon modes in nanoscale semiconductor structures: role of interface-optical phonons in quantum-well lasers
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 263-264, 462–465.

1998 patent
Field controlled current modulators based on tunable barrier strengths
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1998 journal article
Long-wavelength optical phonons in ternary nitride-based crystals
Physical Review B, 58(23), 15283–15287.
1998 journal article
Optical-phonon confinement and scattering in wurtzite heterostructures
Physical Review B, 58(8), 4860–4865.
1998 book
Quantum-based electronic devices and systems
Singapore; River Edge, NJ: World Scientific.
1997 journal article
Electron–optical-phonon scattering in wurtzite crystals
Physical Review B, 56(3), 997–1000.
1997 journal article
Raman analysis of the configurational disorder in AlxGa1-xN films
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 71(15), 2157–2159.