Works (18)
2019 journal article
Dietary arachidonate in milk replacer triggers dual benefits of PGE2 signaling in LPS-challenged piglet alveolar macrophages
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 10(1).
Contributors: K. Walter n, X. Lin n, *, T. Käser n, D. Esposito n & J. Odle n

2016 journal article
Dietary Isomers of Sialyllactose Increase Ganglioside Sialic Acid Concentrations in the Corpus Callosum and Cerebellum and Modulate the Colonic Microbiota of Formula-Fed Piglets
JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 146(2), 200–208.
Contributors: T. Yatsunenko*, D. Li *, S. Dasgupta *, R. Yu *, B. Berg*, M. Chichlowski *, J. Odle n n,

2015 journal article
Transplacental induction of fatty acid oxidation in term fetal pigs by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonist clofibrate
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 6(1).

2014 journal article
The Suckling Piglet as an Agrimedical Model for the Study of Pediatric Nutrition and Metabolism
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 2(1), 419–444.

2013 journal article
Acute effects of rotavirus and malnutrition on intestinal barrier function in neonatal piglets
World Journal of Gastroenterology, 19(31), 5094–5102.
Contributors: A. Moeser, A. Blikslager , J. Rhoads, B. Corl, R. Harrell, J. Odle n,

2013 journal article
Dietary supplementation of Bifidobacterium longum strain AH1206 increases its cecal abundance and elevates intestinal interleukin-10 expression in the neonatal piglet
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 60, 116–122.
Contributors: T. Herfel n, n, X. Lin n, Z. Jouni*, M. Chichlowski *, C. Stahl n, J. Odle n

2013 journal article
Stabilized rice bran improves weaning pig performance via a prebiotic mechanism
Journal of Animal Science, 91(2), 907–913.
Contributors: T. Herfel n, n, X. Lin n, E. Heugten n, V. Fellner n & J. Odle n
2012 journal article
Dietary Long-Chain PUFA Enhance Acute Repair of Ischemia-Injured Intestine of Suckling Pigs
The Journal of Nutrition, 142(7), 1266–1271.
Contributors: A. Moeser n, B. Corl n, R. Harrell n, A. Blikslager n & J. Odle n n,

2012 journal article
Evaluation of immunoglobulin G absorption from colostrum supplements gavaged to newborn piglets

2012 journal article
Fish Oil Enhances Intestinal Integrity and Inhibits TLR4 and NOD2 Signaling Pathways in Weaned Pigs after LPS Challenge
The Journal of Nutrition, 142(11), 2017–2024.

2012 review
Nutritional Factors Influencing Intestinal Health of the Neonate
[Review of ]. ADVANCES IN NUTRITION, 3(5), 687–696.
Contributors: J. Odle n n &

2011 journal article
Dietary Arachidonate Differentially Alters Desaturase-Elongase Pathway Flux and Gene Expression in Liver and Intestine of Suckling Pigs
The Journal of Nutrition, 141(4), 548–553.
Contributors: X. Lin n, B. Corl n, H. Hess n, R. Harrell n & J. Odle n n,

2011 journal article
Dietary conjugated linoleic acid alters long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in brain and liver of neonatal pigs
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 22(11), 1047–1054.
Contributors: X. Lin n, J. Bo n, S. Oliver n, B. Corl n, n, W. Oliver n, R. Harrell n, J. Odle n

2011 journal article
Polydextrose Enrichment of Infant Formula Demonstrates Prebiotic Characteristics by Altering Intestinal Microbiota, Organic Acid Concentrations, and Cytokine Expression in Suckling Piglets
The Journal of Nutrition, 141(12), 2139–2145.
Contributors: T. Herfel n, n, X. Lin n, V. Fellner n , D. Walker*, Z. Jouni*, J. Odle n

2010 journal article
Effect of dietary boron on immune function in growing beef steers*

2009 journal article
Safety evaluation of polydextrose in infant formula using a suckling piglet model
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(7), 1530–1537.

2008 journal article
Enrichment of Intestinal Mucosal Phospholipids with Arachidonic and Eicosapentaenoic Acids Fed to Suckling Piglets Is Dose and Time Dependent
The Journal of Nutrition, 138(11), 2164–2171.
Contributors: H. Hess n, B. Corl n, X. Lin n, n, R. Harrell n, A. Blikslager n , J. Odle n

2007 journal article
Ontogeny of Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase I Activity, Carnitine-Km, and mRNA Abundance in Pigs throughout Growth and Development
The Journal of Nutrition, 137(4), 898–903.
Contributors: P. Peffer n, X. Lin n, n, L. Gatlin n, J. Woodworth * & J. Odle n