2007 journal article

Experimental reproduction of transmissible viral proventriculitis by infection of chickens with a novel adenovirus-like virus (Isolate R11/3)

AVIAN DISEASES, 51(1), 58–65.

By: J. Guy n, L. Smith n, M. Evans n & H. Barnes n

author keywords: adenovirus; chicken; proventriculitis
topics (OpenAlex): Virus-based gene therapy research; Animal Virus Infections Studies; Viral gastroenteritis research and epidemiology
TL;DR: Findings indicate an etiologic role for AdLV (R11/3) in TVP, which was experimentally reproduced in 2-wk-old specific-pathogen-free chickens and commercial broiler chickens by eyedrop inoculation of adenovirus-like virus. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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