@misc{jiang_johnson_xie_2019, title={Investigations into the mechanisms of electrohydrodynamic instability in free surface electrospinning}, volume={17}, ISSN={["2391-5471"]}, DOI={10.1515/phys-2019-0033}, abstractNote={AbstractFree surface electrospinning is a continuous electrospinning method for low-cost, massive production of nanofibers. The interjet distanceλis a critical parameter in free surface electrospinning, which directly determines the nanofiber production efficiency. In this investigation, we studied the interjet distance during free surface electrospinning based on electrohydrodynamic instability theoretically and experimentally, with special interest focused on the effect of surface tension and electric field intensity on the interjet distance. The experimental results indicated that the critical parameters affecting the interjet distance were the surface tension and applied voltage, which was in good compliance with the theoretical prediction. The relationship between interjet distanceλand surface tension followed an allometric law with positive exponential function, and the relationship between interjet distanceλand applied voltage followed an allometric law with negative exponential function. The present results can be used to understand the basic parameters which determine the interjet distance in free surface electrospinning.}, number={1}, journal={OPEN PHYSICS}, author={Jiang, Guojun and Johnson, Lee and Xie, Sheng}, year={2019}, month={Jan}, pages={313–319} } @article{jiang_peters_2008, title={A shear-lag model for three-dimensional, unidirectional multilayered structures}, volume={45}, ISSN={["0020-7683"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2008.02.018}, abstractNote={A shear-lag model is derived for unidirectional multilayered structures whose constituents vary throughout the cross-section through the extension of an existing optimal shear-lag model suitable for two-dimensional planar structures. Solution algorithms for a variety of boundary conditions are discussed. Numerical predictions for a single-fiber composite and a unidirectional laminated composite are presented. Comparison of the predicted interfacial shear stresses and average normal stresses to finite element analysis demonstrates that this shear-lag model can be used to rapidly estimate the average normal stress distribution in the various constituents, although the interfacial shear stresses are less accurate. Possible applications and limitations of the new model are finally discussed.}, number={14-15}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES}, author={Jiang, Guoliang and Peters, Kara}, year={2008}, month={Jul}, pages={4049–4067} } @article{jiang_van vickle_peters_knight_2007, title={Oscillator interrogated time-of-flight optical fiber interferometer for global strain measurements}, volume={135}, ISSN={["0924-4247"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.sna.2006.08.023}, abstractNote={In this paper, we demonstrate an oscillator interrogated time-of-flight optical fiber interferometer that provides global strain information for large-scale structures. The sensing resolution of the interferometer is sufficient for many structural applications, while the system is relatively inexpensive and durable as compared to previous methods. The measurable displacement range is determined by the oscillator frequency and can therefore be designed to be significantly larger than that of current systems. An optical length change resolution of 9.5 mm and range of 1.39 m are demonstrated experimentally. To easily embed the interferometer in structures and effectively increase the fiber sensing length, a commercially available prefabricated fiber ribbon is used. Results from static loading tests of a FRP strengthened reinforced concrete beam with embedded fiber ribbons show the feasibility of this technique for monitoring infrastructure systems.}, number={2}, journal={SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL}, author={Jiang, Guoliang and Van Vickle, Patrick and Peters, Kara and Knight, Victor}, year={2007}, month={Apr}, pages={443–450} }