Works (2)
2011 journal article
Genome-wide association study of quantitative resistance to southern leaf blight in the maize nested association mapping population
NATURE GENETICS, 43(2), 163–U120.
Contributors: K. Kump n, P. Bradbury *, R. Wisser*, E. Buckler *, A. Belcher n, n, J. Zwonitzer n, S. Kresovich *
2007 journal article
Precise mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern leaf blight, caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O, and flowering time using advanced intercross maize lines
GENETICS, 176(1), 645–657.
Contributors: P. Balint-Kurti n , J. Zwonitzer n, R. Wisser n, M. Carson*, n, J. Holland n , S. Szalma n