@article{kump_bradbury_wisser_buckler_belcher_oropeza-rosas_zwonitzer_kresovich_mcmullen_ware_et al._2011, title={Genome-wide association study of quantitative resistance to southern leaf blight in the maize nested association mapping population}, volume={43}, ISSN={["1061-4036"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79251575784&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1038/ng.747}, abstractNote={Nested association mapping (NAM) offers power to resolve complex, quantitative traits to their causal loci. The maize NAM population, consisting of 5,000 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from 25 families representing the global diversity of maize, was evaluated for resistance to southern leaf blight (SLB) disease. Joint-linkage analysis identified 32 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with predominantly small, additive effects on SLB resistance. Genome-wide association tests of maize HapMap SNPs were conducted by imputing founder SNP genotypes onto the NAM RILs. SNPs both within and outside of QTL intervals were associated with variation for SLB resistance. Many of these SNPs were within or near sequences homologous to genes previously shown to be involved in plant disease resistance. Limited linkage disequilibrium was observed around some SNPs associated with SLB resistance, indicating that the maize NAM population enables high-resolution mapping of some genome regions.}, number={2}, journal={NATURE GENETICS}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group}, author={Kump, Kristen L. and Bradbury, Peter J. and Wisser, Randall J. and Buckler, Edward S. and Belcher, Araby R. and Oropeza-Rosas, Marco A. and Zwonitzer, John C. and Kresovich, Stephen and McMullen, Michael D. and Ware, Doreen and et al.}, year={2011}, month={Feb}, pages={163–U120} } @article{balint-kurti_zwonitzer_wisser_carson_oropeza-rosas_holland_szalma_2007, title={Precise mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern leaf blight, caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O, and flowering time using advanced intercross maize lines}, volume={176}, ISSN={["1943-2631"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34548569322&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1534/genetics.106.067892}, abstractNote={Abstract The intermated B73 × Mo17 (IBM) population, an advanced intercross recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between the maize lines B73 (susceptible) and Mo17 (resistant), was evaluated in four environments for resistance to southern leaf blight (SLB) disease caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O. Two environments were artificially inoculated, while two were not inoculated and consequently had substantially lower disease pressure. Four common SLB resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified in all environments, two in bin 3.04 and one each in bins 1.10 and 8.02/3. There was no significant correlation between disease resistance and days to anthesis. A direct comparison was made between SLB QTL detected in two populations, independently derived from the same parental cross: the IBM advanced intercross population and a conventional recombinant inbred line population. Several QTL for SLB resistance were detected in both populations, with the IBM providing between 5 and, in one case, 50 times greater mapping resolution.}, number={1}, journal={GENETICS}, author={Balint-Kurti, P. J. and Zwonitzer, J. C. and Wisser, R. J. and Carson, M. L. and Oropeza-Rosas, M. A. and Holland, J. B. and Szalma, S. J.}, year={2007}, month={May}, pages={645–657} }