Works (6)
2011 journal article
World economy, world society, and environmental harms in less-developed countries
Sociological Inquiry, 81(1), 53–87.
2010 journal article
Do environmental characteristics influence foreign direct investment growth? A cross-national study, 1990-2000
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 51(3), 192–210.
2010 journal article
Sectoral Foreign Investment and Nitrous Oxide Emissions: A Quantitative Investigation

2010 journal article
The vertical flow of primary sector exports and deforestation in less-developed countries: A test of ecologically unequal exchange theory
Society & Natural Resources, 23(9), 888–897.
2009 journal article
Ecologically unequal exchange and the resource consumption/environmental degradation paradox a panel study of less-developed countries, 1970-2000
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 50(3-4), 263–284.
2007 journal article
Foreign investment dependence and the environment: An ecostructural approach
Social Problems (Society for the Study of Social Problems), 54(3), 371–394.