Works (5)
2009 journal article
Antifungal Textiles Formed Using Silver Deposition in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 19(3), 368–373.
Contributors: S. Gittard n, n, G. Hyde n, G. Scarel n, R. Narayan n & G. Parsons n
2009 journal article
Atomic Layer Deposition and Abrupt Wetting Transitions on Nonwoven Polypropylene and Woven Cotton Fabrics
LANGMUIR, 26(4), 2550–2558.
2008 journal article
Berreman effect in infrared absorption spectroscopy of ionic oxide coatings formed by atomic layer deposition on three-dimensional structures
Contributors: G. Scarel n, G. Hyde n, n & G. Parsons n
2007 journal article
Direct observation of two-dimensional growth at SiO2/Si(111) interface
THIN SOLID FILMS, 515(20-21), 7892–7898.
2007 journal article
Low temperature metal oxide film deposition and reaction kinetics in supercritical carbon dioxide
THIN SOLID FILMS, 516(15), 4997–5003.
Contributors: Q. Peng n, n, K. Park* & G. Parsons n