Works (12)
2016 journal article
Analysis of the effects of cell stress and cytotoxicity on in vitro assay activity across a diverse chemical and assay space
Toxicological Sciences, 152(2), 323–339.
2016 journal article
From the Cover: Embryonic Exposure to TCDD Impacts Osteogenesis of the Axial Skeleton in Japanese medaka,Oryzias latipes
Toxicological Sciences, 155(2), 485–496.
Contributors: A. Watson, A. Planchart n , C. Mattingly n , C. Winkler *, D. Reif n & S. Kullman n

2015 journal article
Comparison of toxicity values across zebrafish early life stages and mammalian studies: Implications for chemical testing
Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.), 55, 3–10.
2015 journal article
Impact of Low-Dose Oral Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) on Juvenile and Adult Rat Exploratory and Anxiety Behavior: A CLARITY-BPA Consortium Study
Contributors: M. Rebuli n, L. Camacho *, M. Adonay n, D. Reif n , D. Aylor n & H. Patisaul n

2015 journal article
Molecular Cloning, Functional Characterization, and Evolutionary Analysis of Vitamin D Receptors Isolated from Basal Vertebrates
PLOS ONE, 10(4).
Contributors: E. Kollitz n, G. Zhang n, M. Hawkins n, G. Whitfield*, D. Reif n & S. Kullman n

2015 journal article
Toxicity testing in the 21st century beyond environmental chemicals
Altex-Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 32(3), 171–181.
2014 journal article
Hierarchical Dose-Response Modeling for High-Throughput Toxicity Screening of Environmental Chemicals
BIOMETRICS, 70(1), 237–246.
Contributors: A. Wilson n, D. Reif n & B. Reich n

2014 journal article
Multidimensional In Vivo Hazard Assessment Using Zebrafish
Toxicological Sciences, 137(1), 212–233.
2014 journal article
Test driving ToxCast: endocrine profiling for 1858 chemicals included in phase II
Contributors: D. Filer *, H. Patisaul n , T. Schug*, D. Reif n & K. Thayer *

2009 article
A Comparison of Analytical Methods for Genetic Association Studies (vol 32, pg 767, 2008)
Motsinger-Reif, A. A., Reif, D. M., Fanelli, T. J., & Ritchie, M. D. (2009, December). GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, Vol. 33, pp. 751–751.
Contributors: A. Motsinger-Reif n, D. Reif* , T. Fanelli* & M. Ritchie *

2008 journal article
A Comparison of Analytical Methods for Genetic Association Studies
Contributors: A. Motsinger-Reif n, D. Reif* , T. Fanelli* & M. Ritchie *

2007 review
Novel methods for detecting epistasis in pharmacogenomics studies
[Review of ]. Pharmacogenomics, 8(9), 1229–1241.