@article{lipscomb_nolan_patterson_makrozahopoulos_kucera_dement_2008, title={How much time is safety worth? A comparison of trigger configurations on pneumatic nail guns in residential framing}, volume={123}, ISSN={["0033-3549"]}, DOI={10.1177/003335490812300409}, abstractNote={Objective.Nail gun injuries are among the most common in wood frame construction. Despite evidence that the majority of injuries from unintentional firings could be prevented with a sequential trigger mechanism on the tools, the safer trigger has not been embraced in the fast-paced residential construction industry. An experiment was conducted in an attempt to realistically evaluate the magnitude of productivity concerns.Methods.Ten journeymen carpenters built a yard shed on two occasions, using nail guns with two different trigger configurations, alternately, under controlled conditions. Mean differences in time required, nails used, and proper placement were evaluated considering the trigger used and whether the building was the carpenter's first or second project.Results.The sequential trigger tool required a mean of 10 additional minutes of active nailing time, which represented 10% of mean nailing time (97 minutes) but only 0.77% of the total mean work time (1,298 minutes) to construct each shed. No significant differences were observed in nail count or placement. The majority of the time variability was related to who was using the tool, rather than the type of tool in the person's hand.Conclusions.Productivity concerns should focus more on improving the skill of the carpenter rather than on the trigger mechanism. Failure to place tools with the safer trigger configuration, which requires the nose piece to be depressed before the trigger is pulled, in the hands of workers does not make sense given the frequency and potential repercussions of injuries associated with the use of these tools in wood framing.}, number={4}, journal={PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS}, author={Lipscomb, Hester J. and Nolan, James and Patterson, Dennis and Makrozahopoulos, Dimitrios and Kucera, Kristen L. and Dement, John M.}, year={2008}, pages={481–486} } @article{anderson_meador_mcclure_makrozahopoulos_brooks_mirka_2007, title={A biomechanical analysis of anterior load carriage}, volume={50}, ISSN={["0014-0139"]}, DOI={10.1080/00140130701450195}, abstractNote={Front load carriage is a common occupational task in some industries (e.g. agriculture, construction), but, as compared to lifting tasks, relatively little research has been conducted on the biomechanical loading during these activities. The focus of this study was to explore the low back biomechanics during these activities and, specifically, to examine the effects of load height and walking speed on trunk muscle activity and trunk posture. Eleven male participants participated in two separate front load-carriage experiments. The first experiment called for carrying a barbell (with weight corresponding to 20% of elbow flexion strength) at three heights (knuckle height, elbow height and shoulder height) at a constant horizontal distance from the spine. The second experiment called for participants to carry a bucket of potatoes weighing 14 kg at the same three heights, but with no further restrictions in technique. In both experiments, the participants performed this task while either standing still or walking at a self-selected speed. As they performed these tasks, the activity levels of the right-side muscle of the rectus abdominis, external oblique, biceps brachii, anterior deltoid and three levels (T9, T12 and L3) of the erector spinae were sampled. Mid-sagittal plane trunk posture was also quantified using three magnetic field-based motion sensors at T9, T12 and L3. The results showed a significant effect of both walking speed and load height on trunk posture and trunk muscle activity levels in both the barbell and bucket experiments. In the barbell experiment, the walking trials generated 43% more trunk muscle activity than the standing trials. Trials at shoulder height produced 11% more muscle activity than trials at elbow height in the T9 erector spinae muscles and 71% more muscle activity in the anterior deltoid. In the bucket experiment, trunk muscle activity responded in a similar fashion, but the key result here was the quantification of the natural hyperextension posture of the spine used to balance the bucket of potatoes. These results provide insight into muscle activation patterns in dynamic settings, especially (load) carrying biomechanics, and have implications in industrial settings that require workers to carry loads in front of their bodies.}, number={12}, journal={ERGONOMICS}, author={Anderson, A. M. and Meador, K. A. and McClure, L. R. and Makrozahopoulos, D. and Brooks, D. J. and Mirka, G. A.}, year={2007}, pages={2104–2117} }