@article{rivers_meade_fuller_2009, title={Examining Question and Context Effects in Organization Survey Data Using Item Response Theory}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1552-7425"]}, DOI={10.1177/1094428108315864}, abstractNote={ Organizational researchers routinely use attitudinal surveys to track organizational development and identify areas for intervention. However, seemingly trivial changes to the survey instrument, such as question wording or question order, can introduce measurement artifacts leading to differences in observed responses that are not due to actual employee attitudinal change. Traditional methods for assessing the presence of artifacts because of survey changes require additional survey administration using multiple survey forms and random assignment. However, the item response theory method illustrated in this study eliminates the need for additional data collection, offers a more rigorous design, and requires fewer organizational resources. }, number={3}, journal={ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH METHODS}, author={Rivers, Drew C. and Meade, Adam W. and Fuller, W. Lou}, year={2009}, month={Jul}, pages={529–553} } @article{bao_shao_rivers_2008, title={Creating new brand names: Effects of relevance, connotation, and pronunciation}, volume={48}, ISSN={["1740-1909"]}, DOI={10.2501/S002184990808015X}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Field research and a laboratory study were conducted to empirically examine the effects of brand relevance, connotation, and pronunciation on consumers' preferences for new brand names. The context theory of memory retrieval and the simplicity principle provided the foundation for our research hypotheses. In both cases, study results supported the main effects of relevance, connotation, and pronunciation of brand names on consumers' brand preference. In addition, results showed that the contribution of connotation will be attenuated if the brand name is difficult to pronounce.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH}, author={Bao, Yeqing and Shao, Alan T. and Rivers, Drew}, year={2008}, month={Mar}, pages={148–162} }