@article{kamseu_biesuz_akono_fokoua_de bona_buettner_lee_leonelli_rossignol_sglavo_2024, title={Cold-sintered laterite-based geopolymers: Densification, microstructure and micromechanics}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1873-619X"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.116798}, abstractNote={The consolidation of natural iron-rich aluminosilicates is enhanced using geopolymerisation, external pressure, and temperature in a ultra-low energy sintering context. Optimized formulations of laterite and Rice Husk Ash (RHA) are used to investigate the effects of the external pressure and temperature on the porosity, phases composition development, micromechanics and microstructure. FT-IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM 0, Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP), Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM), and the Archimedes Porosimetry method were used to characterize the cold sintered products of geopolymerization of the iron-rich aluminosilicate binders and composites. Results showed that ultra-low energy sintering process allows the reduction of ∼ 99 % of capillary porosity thank to the physico-chemical bonding and the formation of enhanced nanosized ferrisilicates. The indentation modulus > 50 GPa, the hardness modulus of 3,18 GPa and the fracture toughness > 1 MPa m0.5 are in agreement with the compact microstructure, high bulk density (> 2.00 g.cm−3), and low water Absorption. The interlocking of globular units of H-N-(A, Fe)-S with nanosized ferrisilicates leads to high performance ceramics that cannot be achieved with conventional sintering process. Therefore, the cold sintering process demonstrated here is promising for the manufacturing of sustainable matrices using natural iron-rich aluminosilicates.}, number={16}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY}, author={Kamseu, Elie and Biesuz, Mattia and Akono, Ange-Therese and Fokoua, Joelle N. Nouping and De Bona, Emanuele and Buettner, Nathanial and Lee, Haklae and Leonelli, Cristina and Rossignol, Sylvie and Sglavo, Vincenzo M.}, year={2024}, month={Dec} }