Adriana Araujo de Souza e Silva
mobilities, location-based games, Global South, urban spaces, networks
Works (102)
2023 journal article
COVID-19 now and then: Reflections on mobile communication and the pandemic
Mobile Media & Communication, 11(2), 140–155.
2023 report
Exploring the Vast Social & Creative Agencies of Marginalized Communities in the Digital Age
Exploring the Vast Social & Creative Agencies of Marginalized Communities in the Digital Age. In JCMC: The Discussion Section Podcast [Podcast].
2023 article
Futures in mobile communication research: Introduction to the special issue
Campbell, S. W., Silva, A. de S. e, Fortunati, L., & Goggin, G. (2023, April 17). NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, Vol. 4.
2023 journal article
Software presentation: The retro mobile gaming database
Mobile Media & Communication, 2, 205015792311555.
2022 weblog post
Creativity as Survival: Crowdsourcing unexpected ways we use technology
de Souza e Silva, A. (2022, June 7).
2022 journal article
Hybrid spaces 2.0: Connecting networked urbanism, uneven mobilities, and creativity, in a (post) pandemic world
2022 journal article
Making the COVID-19 Pandemic Visible: The power of grassroots mapping initiatives
International Journal of Communication, 16, 3988–4007.
2022 journal article
Playing with place: Location-based mobile games in post-pandemic public spaces
2022 chapter book
Rethinking micromobility as mobilities justice
2022 journal article
What the US Can Learn from Brazil’s Successful COVID Vaccination Campaign
Scientific American.
2021 report
Digital Mapping and the Pandemic: Interview with Tracey Peake
In NC State News Podcast [Podcast].
2021 chapter book
Evolving geographies of mobile communication
2021 journal article
Exploring the material conditions of Pokemon Go play in Rio de Janeiro and Nairobi
Contributors: A. Silva n, R. Glover-Rijkse n , A. Njathi n & D. Cunto Bueno *
2021 journal article
Playful mobilities in the Global South: A study of Pokemon Go play in Rio de Janeiro and Nairobi
NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 5, 146144482110164.
Contributors: A. Silva, R. Glover-Rijkse* , A. Njathi n & D. Cunto Bueno *
2021 weblog post
Tracing the History of Mobile Games
de Souza e Silva, A., & Glover-Rijkse, R. (2021, January).
2020 chapter
Historicizing hybrid spaces in mobile media art
In The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (pp. 117–127).
Contributors: A. Silva & R. Glover-Rijkse
2020 report
How Online Gaming creates Real-Life Love: Interview with Anita Rao
In NPR State of Things [Radio program].
2020 journal article
2020 journal article
Mobile Networked Creativity: Developing a Theoretical Framework for Understanding Creativity as Survival
2020 chapter
Sounding place
In The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (pp. 109–116).
Contributors: T. Rueb & A. Silva
2020 book
2020 entry reference
Urban Mobility in Context
(R. Ling, L. Fortunati, G. Goggin, S. S. Lim, & Y. Li, Eds.).
Ed(s): R. Ling, L. Fortunati, G. Goggin, S. Lim & Y. Li
2019 journal article
Book review: Adriana de Souza e Silva (Ed.), Dialogues on mobile communication
Mobile Media & Communication, 7(2), 289–290.
2019 chapter
Generic phones in context: The circulation and social practices of mobile devices in rio de janeiro
In Location Technologies in International Context (pp. 158–172).
Contributors: A. Silva, C. Damasceno & D. Bueno
2017 journal article
Creative appropriations in hybrid spaces: Mobile interfaces in art and games in Brazil
International Journal of Communication, 11, 1705–1728.
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva, F. Duarte & C. Damasceno
2017 chapter
Location-based services in Brazil: Reframing privacy, mobility, and location
In Place, Space, and Mediated Communication: Exploring Context Collapse (pp. 29–44).
Contributors: A. Silva, M. De Matos-Silva & A. Nicolaci-da-Costa
2016 book
Dialogues on Mobile Communication
(pp. 1–14; A. de Souza & S., Eds.).
Contributors: A. Silva
Ed(s): A. Souza & Silva
2016 chapter
Locational privacy
[Reprint]. In J. Farman (Ed.), Foundations of Mobile Media Studies: Essential texts on the formation of a field (pp. 171–193). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): J. Farman
2016 chapter
Location‐Based Communication
In K. B. Jensen & R. T. Craig (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (pp. 1–11).
Ed(s): K. Jensen & R. Craig
2016 journal article
Pokémon Go</i> as an HRG: Mobility, sociability, and surveillance in hybrid spaces
Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 20–23.
Contributors: A. Silva n
2015 chapter
Arte.Mov, Mobilefest, And The Emergence of A Mobile Culture In Brazil
In G. Goggin & L. Hjorth (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media.
Ed(s): G. Goggin & L. Hjorth
2015 journal article
Location-based mobile games: Interfaces to urban spaces
Playful Identities: the Ludification of Digital Media Cultures, 169–180.
2015 chapter
Net Locality
In P. Adey, D. Bissell, K. Hannam, P. Merriman, & M. Sheller (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities.
Ed(s): P. Adey, D. Bissell, K. Hannam, P. Merriman & M. Sheller
2015 chapter
Playful Urban Spaces: A historical approach to mobile games
[Reprint]. In G. Goggin, R. Ling, & L. Hjorth (Eds.), Mobile Technologies (Vol. 3, pp. 81–105). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): G. Goggin, R. Ling & L. Hjorth
2014 book
2013 journal article
AN URBAN ENCOUNTER: Realizing online connectedness through local urban play
Contributors: I. Shklovski * & A. Silva n
2013 journal article
Book Review: Eric Gordon and Adriana de Souza e Silva, Net Locality: Why Location Matters in a Networked World
Media, Culture & Society, 35(3), 404–406.
2013 journal article
Location-aware mobile technologies: Historical, social and spatial approaches
Mobile Media & Communication, 1(1), 116–121.
Contributors: A. Silva n
2013 chapter
Location-aware technologies: Control and privacy in hybrid spaces
In Communication Matters: Materialist Approaches to Media, Mobility, and Networks (pp. 265–275).
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva & J. Frith
2013 chapter
Mobile narratives: Reading and writing urban space with location-based technologies
In Comparative Textual Media: Transforming the Humanities in the Postprint Era (pp. 33–52).
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva
2013 chapter
Re-Narrating the city through the presentation of location
In The Mobile Story: Narrative Practices with Locative Technologies (pp. 34–49).
Contributors: A. Silva & J. Frith
2013 journal article
Tecnologias móveis de posicionamento: abordagens históricas, sociais e espaciais
Verso e Reverso, 27(64), 19–23.
2013 chapter
The urban dynamics of net localities: How mobile and location-aware technologies are transforming places
In Mobile Technology and Place (pp. 89–103).
Contributors: E. Gordon & A. Silva
2012 book
Mobile interfaces in public spaces: locational privacy, control, and urban sociability
In Mobile Interfaces in Public Spaces: Locational Privacy, Control, and Urban Sociability (pp. 1–209).
Contributors: A. Silva & J. Frith*
2012 entry reference
The Waning Distinction Between Private And Public
2011 chapter
Art by Telephone: From Static to Mobile Interfaces
In M. Rieser (Ed.), The Mobile Audience: Media Art and Mobile Technologies (pp. 67–79).
Ed(s): M. Rieser
2011 chapter
Location-Aware Technologies: Control and privacy in hybrid spaces
In J. Packer & S. Wiley (Eds.), Communication Matters: Materialist approaches to media, networks, and mobilities (pp. 265–275). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): J. Packer & S. Wiley
2011 journal article
Location-aware mobile media and urban sociability
NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 13(5), 807–823.
Contributors: D. Sutko n & A. Silva n
2011 journal article
Mobile phone appropriation in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 13(3), 411–426.
Contributors: A. Silva *, D. Sutko n, F. Salis* & C. Silva*
2011 book
Net Locality
Contributors: E. Gordon & A. Silva
2011 book
Net Locality
Contributors: E. Gordon & A. Silva
2011 book
Net Locality
Contributors: E. Gordon & A. Silva
2011 book
Net Locality
Contributors: E. Gordon & A. Silva
2011 book
Net Locality: Why Location Matters in a Networked World
In Molecular Ecology Notes.
Contributors: E. Gordon & A. Silva
2011 chapter
Placing Location-Aware Media in a History of the Virtual
In D. W. Park, S. Jones, & N. W. Jankowski (Eds.), The Long History of New Media: Technology, historiography, and newness in context (pp. 299–316). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Ed(s): D. Park, S. Jones & N. Jankowski
2011 journal article
Theorizing Locative Technologies Through Philosophies of the Virtual
Contributors: A. Silva * & D. Sutko n
2010 journal article
Locational privacy in public spaces: Media discourses on location-aware mobile technologies
Communication, Culture & Critique, 3(4), 503–525.
2010 journal article
Locative Mobile Social Networks: Mapping Communication and Location in Urban Spaces
MOBILITIES, 5(4), 485–505.
Contributors: A. Silva n & J. Frith n
2009 book
Digital cityscapes
Contributors: A. Silva
2009 book
2009 chapter
Merging Digital and Urban Playspaces: An introduction to the field
In A. de Souza e Silva & D. M. Sutko (Eds.), Digital Cityscapes: Merging digital and urban playspaces (pp. 1–20). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
2009 chapter
OnSite and Engaged: Hybrid reality games in communication across the curriculum
In A. de Souza e Silva & D. M. Sutko (Eds.), Digital Cityscapes: Merging digital and urban playspaces (pp. 321–338). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
2009 journal article
Playful Urban Spaces
Simulation & Gaming, 40(5), 602–625.
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva n & L. Hjorth *
2009 journal article
Playful urban spaces: A historical approach to mobile games
Simulation & Gaming, 40(5), 602–625.
2008 journal article
Alien Revolt (2005-2007): A case study of the first location-based mobile game in Brazil
Contributors: A. Souzae Silva n
2008 journal article
Hybrid Reality and Location-Based Gaming: Redefining Mobility and Game Spaces in Urban Environments
SIMULATION & GAMING, 40(3), 404–424.
Contributors: A. Silva n
2008 chapter
Mobile technologies as interfaces of hybrid spaces
In D. Bell & B. Kennedy (Eds.), The Cybercultures reader. (2nd ed.) (pp. 757–772). London; New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): D. Bell & B. Kennedy
2008 journal article
Playing Life and Living Play: How Hybrid Reality Games Reframe Space, Play, and the Ordinary
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva & D. Sutko
2008 journal article
Technology appropriation and social change: A study of the use of cell phones among low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro
Vodafone Receiver, 20.
2008 magazine article
Using cities as game boards
Communication Currents, 3(5).
2007 chapter
Cell phones and places: The use of mobile technologies in Brazil
In The GeoJournal Library: Vol. 88. Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access (Vol. 88, pp. 295–301).
Contributors: A. Silva n
2007 chapter
From Cyber to Hybrid: Mobile technologies as interfaces of hybrid spaces
[Reprint]. In D. Bell & B. Kennedy (Eds.), The Cybercultures Reader 2.0 (pp. 757–772). London, New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): D. Bell & B. Kennedy
2007 chapter
eXistenZ: From fiction to reality
In S. W. F. Borries & M. Bottger (Eds.), Space Time Play: Computer games, architecture and urbanism: The next level (pp. 316–317). Basel; Boston: Birkhauser.
Ed(s): S. F. Borries & M. Bottger
2006 chapter
Do ciber ao hibrido: Tecnologias móveis como interfaces de espaços hibridos
In Imagem (IR) Realidade (pp. 21–51). Porto Alegre: Editora Sulina.
2006 journal article
From cyber to hybrid: Mobile technologies as interfaces of hybrid spaces
Space and Culture, 9(3), 261–278.
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva n
2006 chapter
From multiuser environments as space to space as a multiuser environment: Cell phones in art and public spaces
In Engineering Nature: Art and Consciousness in the Post-Biological Era (pp. 171–176).
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva
2006 journal article
Hybrid reality games reframed: Potential uses in educational contexts
Games and Culture, 1(3), 231–251.
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva n & G. Delacruz*
2006 chapter
Interfaces of hybrid spaces
In The cell phone Reader: Essays in social transformation (pp. 19–44). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
2006 journal article
Re-conceptualizing the mobile phone - From telephone to collective interfaces
Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 4(2), 108–127.
Contributors: A. Silva
2006 journal article
Re-conceptualizing the mobile phone: From Telephone to collective interfaces
Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 4(2), 108–127.
2005 magazine article
Entre o real e o virtual [In between the real and the virtual]
Mobilidade Brasil Newsletter, 3(23).
2005 magazine article
Posicionamento: criando novos significados para a tecnologia celular [Location-awareness: creating new meanings for cellular technology]
Meio&Mensagem (Mídia&Mercado), XXVII(1176), 13.
2004 report
Are cell phones new media? Hybrid communities and collective authorship
In trAce Online Writing Centre. Nottingham: The Nottingham Trent University.
2004 journal article
Art by telephone: From static to mobile interfaces
Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 12(10).
2004 chapter
Arte e Tecnologias Móveis: Hibridizando espaços públicos [Art and mobile technologies: The hybridization of public spaces
In A. Parente (Ed.), Tramas da Rede: Novas dimensões filosóficas, estéticas e políticas da comunicação [Network trams: New phylosophical, aesthetical, and political dimensions of communication (pp. 282–297). Porto Alegre: Editora Sulinas.
Ed(s): A. Parente
2004 chapter
Arte e tecnologias Móveis: Hibridizando espaços públicos
In Tramas da Rede. Novas dimensões filosóficas, estéticas e politicas da comunicação (pp. 282–297). Porto Alegre: Editora Sulina.
2004 journal article
Arte, interfaces gráficas e espaços virtuais
Ars, 2(4), 78–97.
2004 journal article
From multiuser environments as (virtual) spaces to (hybrid) spaces as multiuser environments: Nomadic technology devices and hybrid communication places
Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 12(5).
2004 journal article
Mobile Networks and Public Spaces: Bringing Multiuser Environments into the Physical Space
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 10(2), 15–25.
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva
2004 chapter
The invisible imaginary: Museum spaces, hybrid reality and nanotechnology
In NanoCulture: Implications of the new technoscience (pp. 27–46).
Contributors: A. Souza E Silva
2003 journal article
Design, interface of contemporary
Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 11(8).
2003 conference paper
From MUDs as Space to Space as a MUD: Cell phones in art and public spaces
Consciousness Reframed 5: Art and consciousness in the post-biological era. Presented at the Consciousness Reframed 5: Art and consciousness in the post-biological era, Caerleon, Wales.
Event: Consciousness Reframed 5: Art and consciousness in the post-biological era at Caerleon, Wales on May 26, 2003
2003 conference paper
From MUDs as space to space as a MUDs: A study about cell phones
In U. Christensen, J. Cahill, T. Crockett, H. Cooley, N. Phillips, & D. Hodapp (Eds.), Life by design: Everyday digital culture. Irvine, CA.
Ed(s): U. Christensen, J. Cahill, T. Crockett, H. Cooley, N. Phillips & D. Hodapp
2003 journal article
From simulations to hybrid space: How nomadic technologies change the real
Technoetic Arts, 1(3), 209–221.
2003 journal article
Hybrid spaces in art and science fiction: From cyberspace to mobile interfaces
Contemporanea (Bahia, Brasil), 1(1), 223–247.
2002 conference paper
SIGraDi: VI Ibero-American Congress of Digital Graphics, 6, 204–207.
Event: VI Ibero-American Congress of Digital Graphics at Caracas, Venezuela
2001 journal article
De redes sociais na Internet para redes móveis no espaco hibrido: Um estudo sobre telefones celulares
Serie Documenta, 8(12-13), 111–130.
2001 journal article
Zou como estar imerso no espaço digital
404nOtfound, 1(6).
2000 conference paper
Habitar o digital [Inhabiting the digital]
SIGraDi: IV Ibero-American Congress of Digital Graphics, 4, 307–309. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
chapter, Mobilefest e o surgimento de uma cultura da mobilidade no Brasil
Duarte, F., & de Souza e Silva, A. In F. Santos & R. Câmara (Eds.), Urbanidade / Mediações (pp. 119–139). Brasília: Estereográfica Editorial.
Ed(s): F. Santos & R. Câmara
From Cyber to Hybrid: Mobile technologies as interfaces of hybrid spaces
de Souza e Silva, A. [Reprint]. In G. Goggin, R. Ling, & L. Hjorth (Eds.), Mobile Technologies (Vol. 3, pp. 18–39). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): G. Goggin, R. Ling & L. Hjorth
Updated: August 15th, 2019 14:32
2005 - present
Updated: October 26th, 2021 20:57
2000 - 2004