Works (9)
2022 journal article
Implementation of a Modular Distributed Fault-Tolerant Controller for MMC Applications
ENERGIES, 15(22).

2017 conference paper
Fault-tolerant controller architecture for cascaded multi-level converters
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2738–2744.
Contributors: M. Hwang n, R. Agarwal n, S. Bhattacharya n & N. Yousefpoor* n,

2015 journal article
Control of High-Frequency Isolated Modular Converter
Contributors: N. Yousefpoor*, B. Parkhideh *, n, S. Kim * & S. Bhattacharya n

2015 conference paper
Control of modular dual active bridge DC/DC converter for photovoltaic integration
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, 3400–3406.
Contributors: R. Chattopadhyay n, S. Acharya n , A. Tripathi n, M. Kashani n, G. Chavan n, S. Bhattacharya n n,

2015 conference paper
Operation of hybrid multi-terminal DC system under normal and DC fault operating conditions
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, 5386–5393.
Contributors: S. Acharya n , n, K. Vechalapu n, M. Kashani n, G. Chavan n, S. Bhattacharya n , N. Yousefpoor*

2014 journal article
Modular transformer converter-based convertible static transmission controller for transmission grid management
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 29(12), 6293–6306.
2013 conference paper
Control of active mobile substations under system faults
2013 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition (ecce), 1968–1975.
2013 conference paper
Experimental validation of modular transformer converter based convertible static transmission controller for transmission grid management
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, 2597–2604.
Contributors: N. Yousefpoor n, n, S. Bhattacharya n & B. Parkhideh *
2013 conference paper
Real-time Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation of convertible static transmission controller for transmission grid management
2013 IEEE 14th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, COMPEL 2013.
Contributors: N. Yousefpoor n, n, S. Bhattacharya n , B. Parkhideh *, I. Celanovic & A. Genic