@inbook{fabiku_kehnemuyi_2024, place={Chicago, IL}, title={Student Assistants Are Employees Too Integrating Person-Centered Management into Student Employee Management}, ISBN={9798892555401}, booktitle={Person-Centered Management in Academic Libraries}, publisher={ALA Editions}, author={Fabiku, A. and Kehnemuyi, K.}, editor={Cook, D.B. and Kirker, M.J. and Smothers, D.Editors}, year={2024}, pages={183–198} } @inbook{dozier_enimil_fabiku_2022, place={Chicago, Illinois}, title={Critical analysis of ARL member institutions’ diversity statements}, ISBN={9780838939109}, booktitle={Implementing excellence in diversity, equity, and inclusion: A handbook for academic libraries}, publisher={Association of Research Libraries}, author={Dozier, V. and Enimil, S. and Fabiku, A.}, editor={Lee, C. and Lym, B. and Bryant, T. and Cain, J. and Schlesinger, K.Editors}, year={2022} } @article{fabiku_tomcik_2017, title={Enriching Your Wealth of Resources by Marketing Interlibrary Loan}, volume={26}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1072303x.2018.1465008}, DOI={10.1080/1072303x.2018.1465008}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service that increases user access to resources, however it is of little use if no one knows about it. ILL statistics at libraries generally show that the service as a whole is well used, but upon closer inspection it becomes clear that these high usage statistics are generated by library power users, and not by new, novice, or intermediate users. When conducting thorough research, it frequently extends beyond the holdings of an individual library, which makes ILL essential. Therefore, it is important for users to know about and use this service. While ILL enhances what libraries can offer, very few libraries focus their marketing on ILL. Instead, most libraries simply lump ILL into the marketing of library resources and services in general. In this article we analyze libraries that have broken out of the mold to market ILL in innovative, cost-effective ways, and we will share the marketing campaign we undertook at Wheaton College (IL).}, number={3-5}, journal={Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Fabiku, Adebola and Tomcik, Laura}, year={2017}, month={May}, pages={137–150} }