@article{cain_haywood_roberts_kiserow_carbonell_2011, title={Polystyrene/Decahydronaphthalene/Propane Phase Equilibria and Polymer Conformation Properties from Intrinsic Viscosities}, volume={49}, ISSN={["0887-6266"]}, DOI={10.1002/polb.22282}, abstractNote={Abstract The influence of dissolved propane (up to 31.2 wt %) on the phase equilibria of 5 wt % polystyrene (PS) dissolved in 66/34 wt % trans/cis ‐decahydronaphthalene (DHN) was measured over the temperature range of 323–423 K. A suitable temperature, pressure, and propane composition operating space was defined to measure intrinsic viscosities of a single fluid phase. Intrinsic viscosities of PS in cosolvent mixtures of propane and trans/cis ‐DHN were measured between 323 and 423 K and between 70 and 208 bar. The addition of propane to the isomeric mixture of DHN resulted in a decreased solvent quality for PS, causing a contraction of the PS coil. The most dramatic decrease in solvent quality with the addition of propane occurred at 323 K and 70 bar with approximately a 36% reduction in the viscometric radius with the addition of 45 mol % propane to DHN. At 423 K, the solvent quality was less sensitive to the addition of propane and only a 13% reduction in the viscometric radius was observed at 70 bar and 45 mol % propane in DHN. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys, 2011}, number={15}, journal={JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS}, author={Cain, Nathaniel and Haywood, Alexander and Roberts, George and Kiserow, Douglas and Carbonell, Ruben}, year={2011}, month={Aug}, pages={1093–1100} }