@article{brandon_michael_carmona baez_moore_ciccotto_roberts_roberts_powder_2024, title={Distinct genetic origins of eumelanin levels and barring patterns in cichlid fishes}, volume={19}, ISSN={["1932-6203"]}, DOI={10.1371/journal.pone.0306614}, abstractNote={Pigment patterns are incredibly diverse across vertebrates and are shaped by multiple selective pressures from predator avoidance to mate choice. A common pattern across fishes, but for which we know little about the underlying mechanisms, is repeated melanic vertical bars. To understand the genetic factors that modify the level or pattern of vertical barring, we generated a genetic cross of 322 F 2 hybrids between two cichlid species with distinct barring patterns, Aulonocara koningsi and Metriaclima mbenjii . We identify 48 significant quantitative trait loci that underlie a series of seven phenotypes related to the relative pigmentation intensity, and four traits related to patterning of the vertical bars. We find that genomic regions that generate variation in the level of eumelanin produced are largely independent of those that control the spacing of vertical bars. Candidate genes within these intervals include novel genes and those newly-associated with vertical bars, which could affect melanophore survival, fate decisions, pigment biosynthesis, and pigment distribution. Together, this work provides insights into the regulation of pigment diversity, with direct implications for an animal’s fitness and the speciation process.}, number={7}, journal={PLOS ONE}, author={Brandon, A. Allyson and Michael, Cassia and Carmona Baez, Aldo and Moore, Emily C. and Ciccotto, Patrick J. and Roberts, Natalie B. and Roberts, Reade B. and Powder, Kara E.}, year={2024}, month={Jul} } @article{delorenzo_mathews_brandon_joglekar_baez_moore_ciccotto_roberts_roberts_powder_2023, title={Genetic basis of ecologically relevant body shape variation among four genera of cichlid fishes}, volume={5}, ISSN={["1365-294X"]}, DOI={10.1111/mec.16977}, abstractNote={AbstractDivergence in body shape is one of the most widespread and repeated patterns of morphological variation in fishes and is associated with habitat specification and swimming mechanics. Such ecological diversification is the first stage of the explosive adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes in the East African Rift Lakes. We use two hybrid crosses of cichlids (Metriaclimasp.×Aulonocarasp. andLabidochromissp.×Labeotropheussp., >975 animals total) to determine the genetic basis of body shape diversification that is similar to benthic‐pelagic divergence across fishes. Using a series of both linear and geometric shape measurements, we identified 34 quantitative trait loci (QTL) that underlie various aspects of body shape variation. These QTL are spread throughout the genome, each explaining 3.2–8.6% of phenotypic variation, and are largely modular. Further, QTL are distinct both between these two crosses of Lake Malawi cichlids and compared to previously identified QTL for body shape in fishes such as sticklebacks. We find that body shape is controlled by many genes of small effect. In all, we find that convergent body shape phenotypes commonly observed across fish clades are most likely due to distinct genetic and molecular mechanisms.}, journal={MOLECULAR ECOLOGY}, author={DeLorenzo, Leah and Mathews, Destiny and Brandon, A. Allyson and Joglekar, Mansi and Baez, Aldo Carmona and Moore, Emily C. and Ciccotto, Patrick J. and Roberts, Natalie B. and Roberts, Reade B. and Powder, Kara E.}, year={2023}, month={May} }