Adam Charles Fahrenholz
Works (96)
2024 conference paper
Basics of Purchasing Raw Materials
PEAK Nutrition Conference. Presented at the PEAK Nutrition Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
2024 journal article
Characterization of spray-dried plasma-induced immune response in Salmonella-challenged broiler chicks
Poultry Science, 103(11), 104077.

2024 conference paper
Cost Optimized High Quality Feed Production in 2024
EW Nutrition Seminar: Efficient animal production in the age of sustainability. Presented at the EW Nutrition Seminar: Efficient animal production in the age of sustainability, Paris, France.
2024 conference paper
Effects of Processing on Quality and Efficiency
American Feed Industry Association Feed Industry Institute. Presented at the American Feed Industry Association Feed Industry Institute, Minneapolis, MN.
2024 magazine article
Employee Goals and Performance Reviews
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2024, January). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2024 magazine article
Feed mill audits: Another set of eyes
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2024, April). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2024 magazine article
Make it a priority: Feed Mill Spring Cleaning
Stark, C., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Pacheco, W. (2024, March). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2024 chapter
Mixing feeds and mixer test procedures for batch mixers
In Feed Additive Compendium.
2024 magazine article
Preparing for summer heat
Stark, C., Pacheco, W., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2024, June). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2024 magazine article
Sample representativeness: Key considerations during sampling
Pacheco, W., Stark, C., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2024, May). Feedstuff Digital Edition.
2024 magazine article
Understanding feed ingredients typically used in feed mills
Pacheco, W., Stark, C., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2024, February). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2023 magazine article
Check list for feed mill visits
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. (2023, June). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2023 journal article
Corn kernel hardness and drying temperature affect particle size post-hammer-milling and pellet quality in broiler and swine diets
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 304, 115744.
2023 magazine article
Defined prioritization process removes unexpected challenges
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2023, August). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2023 conference paper
Evaluation of dietary plasma fed to turkeys during brooding on performance to market age
International Poultry Scientific Forum. Presented at the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, GA.
2023 journal article
Evaluation of dietary spray-dried bovine plasma fed to turkeys during brooding on performance to market age
German Journal of Veterinary Research, 3(2), 16–25.
2023 magazine article
Feed mill automation
Pacheco, W., Stark, C., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2023, February). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2023 magazine article
Future Feed Mill Employees
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2023, April). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2023 conference paper
Imagining, Developing the Feed Industry’s Future Workforce
Feed Mill of the Future Conference. Presented at the Feed Mill of the Future Conference, Atlanta, GA.
2023 journal article
Machine learning and data mining methodology to predict nominal and numeric performance body weight values using Large White male turkey datasets
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 32(4), 100366.

2023 conference paper
Marketing My Company to Recruit and Retain New Employees
American Feed Industry Association Equipment Manufacturers Council Meeting. Presented at the American Feed Industry Association Equipment Manufacturers Council Meeting, Tuscon, AZ.
2023 magazine article
Pellet Quality: Defining a fine
Stark, C., Pacheco, W., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2023, October). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2023 conference paper
Recruiting and Retaining Feed Mill Employees for the Future
US Poultry Feed Mill Managers Seminar. Presented at the US Poultry Feed Mill Managers Seminar, Nashville, TN.
2023 magazine article
Steam utilization in feed manufacturing
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2023, December). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2023 journal article
Supplementation of ginger root extract into broiler chicken diet: effects on growth performance and immunocompetence
Poultry Science, 102(10), 102897.

2023 journal article
The impact of marker selection, in-line near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR), and feed mix time on the coefficient of variation (mix uniformity), body weight uniformity and broiler growth performance during the starter, grower, and finisher periods
Poultry Science, 102(12), 103109.

2023 magazine article
Winterizing your feed mill
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. (2023, November). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 magazine article
Biosecurity – New challenges for the feed industry
Fahrenholz, A. C., Stark, C., & Pacheco, W. (2022, March). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 conference paper
Comparison between an in-line implementation of a temperature profile probe-based tool vs. three non-contact methodologies to monitor hot pellet temperature in broiler diets
IPSF 2022. Presented at the IPSF 2022, Atlanta, GA.
2022 magazine article
Do what you say, then document it
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2022, June). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 journal article
Effects of Glucomannan Feed Additives on Large White Turkey Female Performance, Gastrointestinal Microbial Population, and Blood Corticosterone Levels in a Simulated Transport Challenge
Journal of Animal Science and Research, 6(1).

2022 journal article
Effects of corn particle size distributions and formic acid on productive and processing performance of broilers
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 31(4), 100288.
2022 conference paper
Effects of endosperm hardness and drying temperature on pellet durability index of broiler diets
PSA Annual Meeting. Presented at the PSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
2022 conference paper
Effects of mix time on coefficient of variation (mix uniformity) and broiler growth performance
IPSF 2022. Poster presented at the IPSF 2022.
2022 magazine article
Empowering employees through training
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2022, August). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 conference paper
Endosperm kernel hardness and moisture at harvest affect corn particle size and its distribution post roller milling
PSA Annual Meeting. Presented at the PSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
2022 conference paper
Feed Safety
Shell Egg Academy. Presented at the Shell Egg Academy, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN.
2022 conference paper
GMD Preferences of Hammermilled (Shredded) Raw Materials
U.S. Soybean Export Council Turkey Nutrition Seminar. Presented at the U.S. Soybean Export Council Turkey Nutrition Seminar.
2022 magazine article
Hammer- and pellet mill grinding and its effect on the microstructure of pellets
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. (2022, July). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 magazine article
Importance of pellet quality on animal performance
Pacheco, W., Stark, C., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2022, October). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 conference paper
Improving Feed Mill Efficiency and Profitability in 2022
EW Nutrition Webinar. Presented at the EW Nutrition Webinar.
2022 magazine article
Pellet durability testing
Stark, C., Pacheco, W., & Fahrenholz, A. C. (2022, September). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 magazine article
Preparing for Maintenance
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2022, November). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 magazine article
Quality control program without quality assurance can be costly
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. (2022, February). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 magazine article
Recall plans are good business
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2022, April). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 magazine article
Record keeping, essential part of doing business
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. (2022, May). Feedstuffs Digital Edition.
2022 conference paper
The effects marker selection, mix time, batch size, and In-line near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) on the coefficient of variation (Mix Uniformity) of broiler diets
PSA Annual Meeting. Presented at the PSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
2021 magazine article
Bulk loadout systems offer advantages when properly configured
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. (2021, March). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 magazine article
CFIA Feed Production Technology School addresses industry issues
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2021, December). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 magazine article
Considerations for Batching Dry Ingredients
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2021, May). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 magazine article
Don’t forget maintenance programs
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & Stark, C. (2021, August). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 journal article
Effect of methionine chelated Zn and Mn and corn particle size on Large White male turkey live performance and carcass yields
Poultry Science, 100(11), 101444.

2021 journal article
Effect of pellet quality and biochar litter amendment on male turkey performance
Poultry Science, 100(4), 101002.
2021 journal article
Factors influencing pellet quality
Feedstuffs 365.
2021 conference paper
Mill to Mouth
U.S. Grains Council Corn Crop 2021 Webinar. Presented at the U.S. Grains Council Corn Crop 2021 Webinar.
2021 conference paper
Mitigation efficiency of dietary medium chain fatty acid blend supplement on cecal colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in broiler chicks
IPSF 2021. Presented at the IPSF 2021.
2021 conference paper
Optimizing Feed Production
North Crops Institute Future of Feeding Webinar Series. Presented at the North Crops Institute Future of Feeding Webinar Series.
2021 journal article
PSIII-15 Effect of the Pelleting Process on Diet Formulations with Varying Levels of Crystalline AA and Reducing Sugars on Nursery Pig Growth Performance
Journal of Animal Science, 99(Supplement_1), 171–172.
2021 magazine article
Packaging considerations aid in marketing
Fahrenholz, A. C., Pacheco, W., & C, S. (2021, February). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 magazine article
Role of feed mills in the poultry value chain
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. R. (2021, October). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 conference paper
Sampling and Receiving Quality Control for Soybean Meal
USSEC Virtual Conference. Presented at the USSEC Virtual Conference.
2021 magazine article
Selecting the right pellet die
Stark, C., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Pacheco, W. (2021, January). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 magazine article
Stark, C. R., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Pacheco, W. (2021, April). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 magazine article
Steam generation and boilers 101
Pacheco, W., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Stark, C. R. (2021, January). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 magazine article
Sustainability in the feed mill what does it mean?
Stark, C., Fahrenholz, A. C., & W, P. (2021, November). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 conference paper
The Use of Soybean Meal in Pelleted Animal Feeds
USSEC Virtual Conference. Presented at the USSEC Virtual Conference.
2021 journal article
The effect of a direct-fed microbial (PrimaLac) and fat inclusion on performance and energy metabolism in broiler chicks and turkey poults
German Journal of Veterinary Research, 1(4), 1–10.

2021 magazine article
The future of the feed industry workforce
Stark, C., Fahrenholz, A. C., & Pacheco, W. (2021, July). Feedstuffs 365.
2021 conference paper
Troubleshooting Feed Milling Errors
Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference. Presented at the Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference, Sandestin, FL.
2021 journal article
Variability in particle size of different types of soybean meal subject to different roller mill settings
Poultry. Sciemce, 100(E-Suppl 1), 108.
2020 journal article
Can the digestibility of corn distillers dried grains with solubles fed to pigs at two stages of growth be enhanced through management of particle size using a hammermill or a roller mill?
Translational Animal Science, 4(3).
2020 journal article
Effect of feed form, soybean meal protein content, and Rovabio Advance on poult live performance to 3 wk of age
Poultry Science, 99(12), 6705–6714.
Contributors: K. Flores n, n & J. Grimes n
2020 journal article
Effects of corn kernel hardness and grain drying temperature on particle size and pellet durability when grinding using a roller mill or hammermill
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 271, 114715.
2020 journal article
Effects of grinding method and particle size of wheat grain on energy and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing pigs
Translational Animal Science, 4(2), 682–693.

2020 journal article
The effect of the level of mixer-added water and mash conditioning temperature on parameters monitored during pelleting and phytase and xylanase thermostability
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 269, 114679.

2019 journal article
Enhancing digestibility of corn fed to pigs at two stages of growth through management of particle size using a hammermill or a roller mill
Translational Animal Science, 4(1), 10–21.
2019 journal article
Parameters monitored during the pelleting process and their relationship to xylanase activity loss
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 259, 114344.

2019 journal article
The Effects of Miscanthus Grass as a Bedding Source and the Dietary Inclusion of Unheated, Low-Trypsin Inhibitor Soybeans on the Performance of Commercial Tom Turkeys Reared to Market Age
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 28(4), 982–996.

2018 journal article
Best practices: Mixing and sampling
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 250, 51–52.
2017 chapter book
Developments in feed technology to improve poultry nutrition
2017 journal article
Efficacy of feed additives to reduce the effect of naturally occurring mycotoxins fed to turkey hen poults reared to 6 weeks of age
Poultry Science, 96(12), 4236–4244.
2017 journal article
Post-pellet liquid application fat disproportionately coats fines and affects mixed-sex broiler live performance from 16 to 42 d of age

2016 journal article
Feed mill biosecurity plans: A systematic approach to prevent biological pathogens in swine feed
Journal of Swine Health and Production, 24(3), 154–164.
2015 journal article
Effects of pelleting conditioner retention time on nursery pig growth performance
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 93(3), 1098–1102.
2015 journal article
Effects of sorghum particle size on milling characteristics and growth performance in finishing pigs
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 202, 75–80.
2015 journal article
Utilization of sorghum distillers dried grains in extruded and steam pelleted shrimp diets
Aquaculture Research, 48(3), 883–898.

2014 journal article
Evaluation of conditioning time and temperature on gelatinized starch and vitamin retention in a pelleted swine diet
2013 journal article
Processing of pelleted feeds using pelleted DDGS as an ingredient
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 29(1), 89–92.

2009 journal article
Effects of feeding cracked corn and concentrate protein pellets on broiler growth performance
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 18(2), 259–268.
journal article
Effect of crude glycerol on pellet mill production and nursery pig growth performance1,2
Journal of Animal Science, 86(9), 2228–2236.
journal article
Effects of adding cracked corn to a pelleted supplement for nursery and finishing pigs (2011)
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports, (10), 288–300.
journal article
Effects of feeding cracked corn to nursery and finishing pigs1
Journal of Animal Science, 93(4), 1710–1720.
journal article
Effects of sorghum particle size on milling characteristics, growth performance, and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs (2011)
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports, (10), 282–287.
journal article
Feed processing parameters and their effects on nursery pig growth performance (2013)
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports, (10), 90–94.
journal article
The importance of defining the method in particle size analysis by sieving (2010)
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports, (10), 261–264.