@article{babij_earl_becker_hoyt_burnette_marston_crispin_2023, title={Mindsets of Mental Illness: What Are the Implications for Stigma?}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2376-6964"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1037/sah0000482}, DOI={10.1037/sah0000482}, journal={STIGMA AND HEALTH}, author={Babij, Alexandra D. and Earl, Sydney and Becker, Whitney and Hoyt, Crystal L. and Burnette, Jeni L. and Marston, Anna and Crispin, Kendall}, year={2023}, month={Oct} } @article{hoyt_burnette_billingsley_becker_babij_2023, title={Mindsets of poverty: Implications for redistributive policy support}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1530-2415"]}, DOI={10.1111/asap.12367}, abstractNote={AbstractBelief systems impact poverty reduction efforts, as they can enhance, or diminish, support for redistributive economic policies. We examined the predictive utility of mindsets about the changeability (growth mindsets) or the stability (fixed mindsets) of the nature of poverty in society. We conducted six studies, two pre‐registered, using both cross‐sectional (N = 763) and experimental methods (N = 1361). Growth mindsets of poverty in society predicted greater support for redistributive policies, in part through decreased blame, although there was also a small but unreliable negative indirect effect through social class essentialism. The three experimental studies, each using a different approach, were successful in manipulating mindsets of poverty. However, only the approach leveraging system justifying beliefs had implications for blame, essentialist beliefs, and indirect consequences for policy support. We discuss potential implications of this work for leveraging multiple belief systems to optimally promote support for policies designed to abolish poverty.}, journal={ANALYSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PUBLIC POLICY}, author={Hoyt, Crystal L. and Burnette, Jeni L. and Billingsley, Joseph and Becker, Whitney and Babij, Alexandra D.}, year={2023}, month={Sep} } @article{burnette_pollack_forsyth_hoyt_babij_thomas_coy_2020, title={A Growth Mindset Intervention: Enhancing Students' Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Career Development}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1540-6520"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85071471097&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1177/1042258719864293}, abstractNote={Despite mounting interest in growth mindset interventions, this approach has yet to be applied to the domain of entrepreneurship. In the present research, we developed and tested if a growth mindset intervention could be leveraged to promote students’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy and if this, in turn, predicted career development (i.e., academic interest, career interest, task persistence, and academic performance). We report on our findings, from an Open Science Framework (OSF) preregistered study, that is a randomized controlled trial implementing a growth mindset intervention. We randomly assigned undergraduate students ( N = 238) in an introduction to entrepreneurship class to either the growth mindset intervention or to a knowledge-based attention-matched control. Students in the growth mindset intervention, relative to the control, reported greater entrepreneurial self-efficacy and task persistence on their main class project. The intervention also indirectly improved academic and career interest via entrepreneurial self-efficacy. However, the intervention failed to directly or indirectly impact performance on a classroom assignment. Additionally, and somewhat surprisingly, gender and past experience in the field failed to moderate any effects of the intervention on outcomes. Theoretical implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.}, number={5}, journal={ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE}, author={Burnette, Jeni L. and Pollack, Jeffrey M. and Forsyth, Rachel B. and Hoyt, Crystal L. and Babij, Alexandra D. and Thomas, Fanice N. and Coy, Anthony E.}, year={2020}, month={Sep}, pages={878–908} } @article{babij_burnette_hoyt_2020, title={Failing and feeling bad: how we think about experiencing negative emotions during setbacks}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1573-6644"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85084175100&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1007/s11031-019-09789-3}, number={3}, journal={MOTIVATION AND EMOTION}, author={Babij, Alexandra D. and Burnette, Jeni L. and Hoyt, Crystal L.}, year={2020}, month={Jun}, pages={436–452} }