@article{dip_anjum_ahmed_zumarradah_2024, title={Causal geodesics in cylindrically symmetric vacuum spacetimes using Hamilton-Jacobi formalism}, volume={110}, ISSN={["2470-0029"]}, url={http://inspirehep.net/record/1987884}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevD.110.064040}, number={6}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW D}, author={Dip, Ashiqul Islam and Anjum, Nishat and Ahmed, Maruf and Zumarradah, Iffat}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @unpublished{dip_anjum_ahmed_zumarradah_2021, title={Causal Geodesics in Cylindrically Symmetric Vacuum Spacetimes Using Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism}, url={https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03475765}, note={working paper or preprint}, author={Dip, Ashiqul Islam and Anjum, Nishat and Ahmed, Maruf and Zumarradah, Iffat}, year={2021}, month={Dec} } @article{dip_hossain_ullah_uddin_2017, title={Gender Differences in Undergraduate Physics Courses: A Comparative Study of Persistence}, volume={5}, url={https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01392926}, DOI={10.11648/j.sjedu.20170501.13}, abstractNote={We have investigated the difference in persistence between male and female students while taking undergraduate physics courses. To quantify the persistence of a certain group of students, we have defined ‘persistence index’ as the inverse of the decrease rate of the number of that group of students while taking a specific course. We have collected the data from three consecutive workshops on various topics of physics. After plotting the number of participations against the number of days attended, we have calculated the decrease rates and persistence indices for both male and female student groups on each workshop and compared the persistence indices on a bar diagram. The comparative statistics show that the persistence indices of female student groups are significantly higher than that of male student groups. This leads us to the conclusion that the female students are more persistent than male students while taking an undergraduate physics course.}, number={1}, journal={Science Journal of Education}, publisher={Science Publishing Group}, author={Dip, Ashiqul Islam and Hossain, Mohammad Tomal and Ullah, Md Forman and Uddin, Md Salah}, year={2017}, pages={14} } @article{dip_hossain_ullah_uddin_2017, title={Gender Differences in Undergraduate Physics Courses: A Comparative Study of Persistence}, volume={2}, url={https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01392926}, journal={Science Journal of Education}, publisher={Science Publishing Group}, author={Dip, Ashiqul Islam and Hossain, Mohammad Tomal and Ullah, Md Forman and Uddin, Md Salah}, year={2017}, month={Feb} }