2009 journal article
Towards Automation of Color/Weave Selection in Jacquard Design: Model Verification
2008 journal article
Towards automation of colour/weave selection in Jacquard designs: model verification through visual assessment
2004 journal article
Effect of cationization on inkjet printing properties of cotton fabrics
AATCC Review, 4(6), 22–25.
2003 conference paper
Donald, whar's yer troosers
Fibrous assemblies at the design and engineering interface : book of proceedings : International Textile Design and Engineering Conference, INTEDEC 2003, 22nd-24th September 2003, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University.
1990 conference paper
Sheep and the world's textile wools
Proceedings of the 8th International Wool Textile Research Conference, 7-14th February 1990, Christchurch, New Zealand. Christchurch, N.Z. : Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand.
1987 conference paper
Criticism is easy but art is difficult
Textiles: product design and marketing : May 4 - 7, 1987, Como, Italy. Manchester: Textile Institute.
1984 journal article
Obi: The textile art of Nishijin
Textile Horizons (Manchester, England), 4(9).
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