@article{ivarsson_bennett_ferrara_strauch_vallase_iorizzo_pecorelli_lila_valacchi_2024, title={Gut-derived wild blueberry phenolic acid metabolites modulate extrinsic cutaneous damage}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2042-650X"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1039/D4FO01874E}, DOI={10.1039/d4fo01874e}, abstractNote={As the first line of defense, the skin is equipped with various physiological mechanisms positioned to prevent incoming oxidative damage from numerous environmental insults. With persistent exposure to the environment, understanding ways to augment the skin defenses is paramount in protecting from premature aging. In this study, we investigated the ability of five dietary phenolic metabolites, typically found in the bloodstream after wild blueberry consumption, to successfully defend the skin from UV light exposure in a novel}, journal={FOOD & FUNCTION}, author={Ivarsson, John and Bennett, Abby and Ferrara, Francesca and Strauch, Renee and Vallase, Andrea and Iorizzo, Massimo and Pecorelli, Alessandra and Lila, Mary Ann and Valacchi, Giuseppe}, year={2024}, month={Jun} } @article{ivarsson_bennett_ferrara_strauch_vallese_iorizzo_pecorelli_lila_valacchi_2024, title={Gut-derived wild blueberry phenolic acid metabolites modulate extrinsic cutaneous damage (vol 15, pg 7849, 2024)}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2042-650X"]}, DOI={10.1039/d4fo90097a}, abstractNote={Correction for ‘Gut-derived wild blueberry phenolic acid metabolites modulate extrinsic cutaneous damage’ by John Ivarsson et al. , Food Funct. , 2024, 15 , 7849–7864, https://doi.org/10.1039/D4FO01874E.}, journal={FOOD & FUNCTION}, author={Ivarsson, John and Bennett, Abby and Ferrara, Francesca and Strauch, Renee and Vallese, Andrea and Iorizzo, Massimo and Pecorelli, Alessandra and Lila, Mary Ann and Valacchi, Giuseppe}, year={2024}, month={Oct} }