Works (5)
2017 journal article
Correspondence of Loblolly Pine Response for Fusiform Rust Disease from Local and Wide-Ranging Tests in the Southern United States
FOREST SCIENCE, 63(5), 496–503.

2017 journal article
Optimal Seed Deployment Under Climate Change Using Spatial Models: Application to Loblolly Pine in the Southeastern US
Optimal seed deployment under climate change using spatial models: Application to loblolly pine in the Southeastern US. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112(519), 909–920.

2017 journal article
Variation among Loblolly Pine Seed Sources across Diverse Environments in the Southeastern United States
Forest Science, 63(1), 39–48.

2016 journal article
Genomic selection in maritime pine
Plant Science, 242, 108–119.

2015 journal article
Modeling Climate Change Effects on the Height Growth of Loblolly Pine
Forest Science, 61(4), 703–715.