Works (5)
2021 journal article
Breeding-season Survival, Home-range Size, and Habitat Selection of Female Bachman's Sparrows

2020 journal article
Fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows in a longleaf pine ecosystem: survival, movements, and habitat selection
Journal of Field Ornithology, 91(4), 354–366.

2019 journal article
Influence of military training on breeding ecology of Bachman's sparrow
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 83(1), 72–79.

2017 journal article
Nest-site selection and nest survival of Bachman's Sparrows in two longleaf pine communities
CONDOR, 119(3), 361–374.

2015 journal article
High-tech or field techs: Radio-telemetry is a cost-effective method for reducing bias in songbird nest searching
CONDOR, 117(3), 386–395.