Works (61)
2023 article
Exciton Binding Energy in Organic Polymers: Experimental Considerations and Tuning Prospects
Kashani, S., Rech, J. J., Liu, T., Baustert, K., Ghaffari, A., Angunawela, I., … Ade, H. (2023, December 22). ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, Vol. 12.

2022 article
Ultrathin P(NDI2OD-T2) Films with High Electron Mobility in Both Bottom-Gate and Top-Gate Transistors
Steckmann, T., Angunawela, I., Kashani, S., Zhu, Y., Nahid, M. M., Ade, H., & Gadisa, A. (2022, March 2). ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 3.

2020 journal article
The Critical Role of Materials’ Interaction in Realizing Organic Field-Effect Transistors Via High-Dilution Blending with Insulating Polymers
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(23), 26239–26249.

2019 journal article
Multi-length scale morphology of nonfullerene all-small molecule blends and its relation to device function in organic solar cells

2019 journal article
Rational Strategy to Stabilize an Unstable High-Efficiency Binary Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells with a Third Component

2019 journal article
The Critical Impact of Material and Process Compatibility on the Active Layer Morphology and Performance of Organic Ternary Solar Cells

2018 journal article
Revealing the Impact of F4-TCNQ as Additive on Morphology and Performance of High-Efficiency Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells
Advanced Functional Materials, 29(1), 1806262.

2017 journal article
Polymer Solar Cells: Panchromatic Sequentially Cast Ternary Polymer Solar Cells (Adv. Mater. 4/2017)
Advanced Materials, 29(4).
2017 journal article
Precise Manipulation of Multilength Scale Morphology and Its Influence on Eco-Friendly Printed All-Polymer Solar Cells
Advanced Functional Materials, 27(33), 1702016.

2017 journal article
Strong polymer molecular weight-dependent material interactions: impact on the formation of the polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction morphology
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(25), 13176–13188.

2016 journal article
Gains and Losses in PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells with Submicron Periodic Grating Structures
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(15), 8005–8013.

2016 journal article
High Performance Organic Solar Cells Processed by Blade Coating in Air from a Benign Food Additive Solution
Chemistry of Materials, 28(20), 7451–7458.
Contributors: L. Ye n , Y. Xiong n, H. Yao *, A. Gadisa n, H. Zhang *, S. Li *, M. Ghasemi n, N. Balar n

2016 journal article
Panchromatic Sequentially Cast Ternary Polymer Solar Cells
Advanced Materials, 29(4), 1604603.
Contributors: M. Ghasemi n, L. Ye n , Q. Zhang *, L. Yan *, J. Kim n, O. Awartani n, W. You *, A. Gadisa n, H. Ade n

2016 journal article
Role of Near Substrate and Bulk Polymer Morphology on Out-of-Plane Space-Charge Limited Hole Mobility
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(48), 33019–33024.

2015 journal article
Disparity in Optical Charge Generation and Recombination Processes in Upright and Inverted PbS Quantum-Dot Solar Cells
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(9), 4606–4611.

2013 article
Effects of nano-patterned versus simple flat active layers in upright organic photovoltaic devices

2013 journal article
Modifications in Morphology Resulting from Nanoimprinting Bulk Heterojunction Blends for Light Trapping Organic Solar Cell Designs
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5(16), 8225–8230.

2013 journal article
Solution Processed Al-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles/TiOx Composite for Highly Efficient Inverted Organic Solar Cells
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5(17), 8440–8445.
2012 journal article
Minimizing interfacial losses in inverted organic solar cells comprising Al-doped ZnO
Applied Physics Letters, 100(25), 253903.

2012 journal article
Role of Thin n-Type Metal-Oxide Interlayers in Inverted Organic Solar Cells
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4(8), 3846–3851.

2012 journal article
The role of solvent and morphology on miscibility of methanofullerene and poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Thin Solid Films, 520(16), 5466–5471.
2011 book
Influence of Fullerene Ordering on the Energy of the Charge-Transfer State and Open-Circuit Voltage in Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cells
2011 journal article
Influence of fullerene ordering on the energy of the charge-transfer state and open-circuit voltage in polymer:fullerene solar cells

2011 journal article
Light-trapping nano-structures in organic photovoltaic cells
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(41), 16293–16303.
2011 journal article
Opto-electrical and morphological characterization of water soluble conjugated polymers for eco-friendly hybrid solar cells
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95(12), 3262–3268.
2011 book
Opto-electrical and morphological characterization of water soluble conjugated polymers for eco-friendly hybrid solar cells
2010 journal article
Alkyl-Chain-Length-Independent Hole Mobility via Morphological Control with Poly(3-alkylthiophene) Nanofibers
Advanced Functional Materials, 20(5), 792–802.
2010 book
Alkyl-Chain-Length-Independent Hole Mobility via Morphological Control with Poly(3-alkylthiophene) Nanofibers
2010 journal article
Bipolar Charge Transport in Fullerene Molecules in a Bilayer and Blend of Polyfluorene Copolymer and Fullerene
Advanced Materials, 22(9), 1008–1011.

2010 book
Bipolar Charge Transport in Fullerene Molecules in a Bilayer and Blend of Polyfluorene Copolymer and Fullerene
2010 journal article
Relating the open-circuit voltage to interface molecular properties of donor:acceptor bulk heterojunction solar cells

2010 book
Relating the open-circuit voltage to interface molecular properties of donor:acceptor bulk heterojunction solar cells
2009 journal article
Effect of Alkyl Side-Chain Length on Photovoltaic Properties of Poly(3-alkylthiophene)/PCBM Bulk Heterojunctions
Advanced Functional Materials, 19(20), 3300–3306.

2009 book
Effect of Alkyl Side-Chain Length on Photovoltaic Properties of Poly(3-alkylthiophene)/PCBM Bulk Heterojunctions
2009 journal article
Electroluminescence from Charge Transfer States in Polymer Solar Cells
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(33), 11819–11824.

2009 book
Electroluminescence from Charge Transfer States in Polymer Solar Cells
2009 book
On the origin of the open-circuit voltage of polymer-fullerene solar cells
2009 journal article
On the origin of the open-circuit voltage of polymer–fullerene solar cells
Nature Materials, 8(11), 904–909.

2009 book
The use of nanofibers of P3HT in bulk heterojunction solar cells: the effect of order and morphology on the performance of P3HT:PCBM blends
2009 journal article
Varying polymer crystallinity in nanofiber poly(3-alkylthiophene): PCBM solar cells: Influence on charge-transfer state energy and open-circuit voltage
Applied Physics Letters, 95(12), 123303.

2009 book
Varying polymer crystallinity in nanofiber poly(3-alkylthiophene): PCBM solar cells: Influence on charge-transfer state energy and open-circuit voltage
2008 book
Effect of temperature on the morphological and photovoltaic stability of bulk heterojunction polymer: fullerene solar cells
2008 journal article
Ground-state charge-transfer complex formation in hybrid poly(3-hexyl thiophene):titanium dioxide solar cells
Applied Physics Letters, 93(22), 223302.
2008 book
Ground-state charge-transfer complex formation in hybrid poly(3-hexyl thiophene):titanium dioxide solar cells
2008 journal article
The Relation Between Open-Circuit Voltage and the Onset of Photocurrent Generation by Charge-Transfer Absorption in Polymer : Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells
Advanced Functional Materials, 18(14), 2064–2070.

2008 book
The relation between open-circuit voltage and the onset of photocurrent generation by charge-transfer absorption in polymer: Fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
2007 journal article
A New Donor–Acceptor–Donor Polyfluorene Copolymer with Balanced Electron and Hole Mobility
Advanced Functional Materials, 17(18), 3836–3842.

2007 journal article
Improvements of fill factor in solar cells based on blends of polyfluorene copolymers as electron donors
Thin Solid Films, 515(5), 3126–3131.

2007 journal article
New low band gap alternating polyfluorene copolymer-based photovoltaic cells
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 91(11), 1010–1018.

2007 journal article
Red and near infrared polarized light emissions from polyfluorene copolymer based light emitting diodes
Applied Physics Letters, 90(11), 113510.
2006 journal article
Charge formation and transport in bulk-heterojunction solar cells based on alternating polyfluorene copolymers blended with fullerenes
Organic Electronics, 7(4), 235–242.

2006 journal article
Stoichiometry dependence of charge transport in polymer/methanofullerene and polymer/C70 derivative based solar cells
Organic Electronics, 7(4), 195–204.
2006 thesis
Studies of Charge Transport and Energy Level in Solar Cells Based on Polymer/Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction
2006 journal article
Transparent polymer cathode for organic photovoltaic devices
Synthetic Metals, 156(16-17), 1102–1107.
2004 journal article
Correlation between oxidation potential and open-circuit voltage of composite solar cells based on blends of polythiophenes/ fullerene derivative
Applied Physics Letters, 84(9), 1609–1611.
2004 journal article
Influence of buffer layers on the performance of polymer solar cells
Applied Physics Letters, 84(19), 3906–3908.

2004 journal article
Low bandgap alternating polyfluorene copolymers in plastic photodiodes and solar cells
Applied Physics A, 79(1), 31–35.

journal article
Effect of temperature on the morphological and photovoltaic stability of bulk heterojunction polymer:fullerene solar cells
Bertho, S., Janssen, G., Cleij, T. J., Conings, B., Moons, W., Gadisa, A., … Vanderzande, D.

journal article
Improvements of fill factor in solar cells based on blends of polyfluorene copolymers as electron donors
Gadisa, A., Zhang, F., Sharma, D., Svensson, M., Andersson, M., & Inganas, O.
journal article
New low band gap alternating polyfluorene copolymer-based photovoltaic cells
Mammo, W., Admassie, S., & Gadisa, A.
journal article
Red and near infrared polarized light emissions from polyfluorene copolymer based light emitting diodes
Gadisa, A., Perzon, E., Andersson, M., & Inganas, O.
Updated: August 15th, 2017 10:14
2014 - present
Updated: October 2nd, 2018 09:20
2002 - 2006