@article{ealy_tyler-mackey_ashurst_blue-terry_cano-guin_dierenfield_grant_harmon_payne_wells-marshall_et al._2024, title={Using technical assistance to bridge the gap between policy, research, and implementation}, volume={12}, ISSN={["2296-2565"]}, DOI={10.3389/fpubh.2024.1347632}, abstractNote={This case study on the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Professional Development and Technical Assistance (PDTA) Center highlights a government-funded entity's efforts to provide technical assistance to federal grantees of the CYFAR Sustainable Community Projects (SCP) grant program. The PDTA Center aligns with and supports components of an evidence-based system for innovation support. Through these components, the system provides targeted tools, training for CYFAR SCP grantees, dedicated technical assistance in the form of coaching, and quality improvement support through the evaluation of available program data.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH}, author={Ealy, Phillip L. and Tyler-Mackey, Crystal and Ashurst, Kerri and Blue-Terry, Misty and Cano-Guin, Autumn and Dierenfield, Candi and Grant, Samantha and Harmon, Denae and Payne, Pamela B. and Wells-Marshall, Jennifer and et al.}, year={2024}, month={Jun} } @misc{nunn_owens_small_gunther_guin_2021, title={A Year of Planning: How to use Year 1 effectively}, author={Nunn, S. and Owens, B. and Small, M. and Gunther, C. and Guin, A.}, year={2021}, month={Jun} } @article{nunn_owens_small_gunther_guin_2021, title={A Year of Planning: How to use Year 1 effectively}, author={Nunn, S. and Owens, B. and Small, M. and Gunther, C. and Guin, A.}, year={2021} } @article{ferarri_guin_2021, title={Advice for Writing a Journal Article - Journal of Youth Development Editors Weigh In}, volume={5}, url={https://www.nae4hydp.org/news/news.asp?id=564422}, journal={The Pulse}, publisher={National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Specialists}, author={Ferarri, T.M. and Guin, A.H.}, year={2021}, month={May} } @misc{butler_ealy_ashurst_guin_wells-marshall_2021, title={CYFAR Coaches Panel}, author={Butler, S. and Ealy, P. and Ashurst, K. and Guin, A. and Wells-Marshall, J.}, year={2021}, month={Jun} } @article{butler_ealy_ashurst_guin_wells-marshall_2021, title={CYFAR Coaches Panel}, author={Butler, S. and Ealy, P. and Ashurst, K. and Guin, A. and Wells-Marshall, J.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{guin_greenaway_2021, place={Online}, title={Empowering Youth and Families Program: Personal and Community Prevention of Opioid Misuse}, author={Guin, A. and Greenaway, A.}, year={2021}, month={May} } @misc{guin_van den hoogenhof_nunn_2021, title={Evaluation Specialists Panel}, author={Guin, A. and van den Hoogenhof, S. and Nunn, S.}, year={2021}, month={Jun} } @article{guin_hoogenhof_nunn_2021, title={Evaluation Specialists Panel}, author={Guin, A. and Hoogenhof, S. and Nunn, S.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{arnold_guidugli_guin_2021, title={Inspiring Excellence inPositive Youth Development: A Roundtable on the 4-H Thriving Model Project}, author={Arnold, M. and Guidugli, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @misc{guin_2021, title={Making the Best Better: Lessons Learned from 4-H Educators}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2021}, month={Feb} } @article{guin_2021, title={Making the Best Better: Lessons Learned from 4-H Educators}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2021} } @book{bridges_edwards_barnes_chilcote_guin_2021, title={My Health Rocks! An Interactive Workbook to Complement the 4-H Health Rocks! Program}, publisher={National 4-H Council}, author={Bridges, K. and Edwards, M.L. and Barnes, T. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2021} } @book{bridges_edwards_barnes_chilcote_guin_2021, place={Chevy Chase, MD}, title={My Health Rocks! An Interactive Workbook to Complement the 4-H Health Rocks! ® Program}, institution={National 4-H Council}, author={Bridges, K. and Edwards, M.L. and Barnes, T. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2021} } @misc{guin_2021, title={Networking with your CYFAR PDTA Coach}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2021}, month={Jun} } @article{guin_2021, title={Networking with your CYFAR PDTA Coach}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2021} } @misc{chilcote_guin_2021, title={Overview of the Empowering Youth and Families Program}, number={(Virtual)}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2021}, month={Jan} } @article{chilcote_guin_2021, title={Overview of the Empowering Youth and Families Program}, number={(Virtual)}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{bridges_guin_chilcote_greenaway_2021, place={Online}, title={Understanding the 4th H}, author={Bridges, K. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Greenaway, A.}, year={2021}, month={Oct} } @misc{guin_2021, title={What it Means to be a Coach}, url={https://online-distance.ncsu.edu/yfcs-july-blog-what-it-means-to-be-a-coach/}, journal={YFCS July Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2021}, month={Aug} } @article{guin_2021, title={What it Means to be a Coach}, url={https://online-distance.ncsu.edu/yfcs-july-blog-what-it-means-to-be-a-coach/}, journal={YFCS July Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2021} } @article{gonzalez_guin_allen_chilcote_toriello_mead_2020, title={Best Practices for Engaging Communities of Color in Opioid Prevention Programs}, volume={58}, url={https://archives.joe.org/joe/2020june/tt5.php}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Gonzalez, M. and Guin, A. and Allen, K. and Chilcote, A. and Toriello, P. and Mead, E.}, year={2020}, month={Jun} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_greenaway_bridges_williams_2020, place={Online}, title={Creating Family-Based Youth-Adult Partnerships to Empower Community Change}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Greenaway, A. and Bridges, A. and Williams, A.}, year={2020}, month={Oct} } @misc{guin_chilcote_greenaway_toriello_2020, title={Empowering Youth and Families: Development of an Opioid Prevention Program}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Greenaway, A. and Toriello, P.}, year={2020}, month={Feb} } @article{guin_chilcote_greenaway_toriello_2020, title={Empowering Youth and Families: Development of an Opioid Prevention Program}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Greenaway, A. and Toriello, P.}, year={2020} } @article{guin_weinstein_2020, title={Evaluating 4-H Programs in Today's Fast Paced World: Qualtrics 101 What You 'Really' Need to Know}, author={Guin, A. and Weinstein, M.}, year={2020} } @article{guin_weinstein_2020, title={Evaluating 4-H Programs in Today's Fast Paced World: Qualtrics 201 Creating Robust Surveys and Reports}, author={Guin, A. and Weinstein, M.}, year={2020} } @misc{guin_weinstein_2020, title={Evaluating 4-H Programs in Today’s Fast Paced World: Qualtrics 101 What You ‘Really’ Need to Know}, author={Guin, A. and Weinstein, M.}, year={2020}, month={Apr} } @misc{guin_weinstein_2020, title={Evaluating 4-H Programs in Today’s Fast Paced World: Qualtrics 201 Creating Robust Surveys and Reports}, author={Guin, A. and Weinstein, M.}, year={2020}, month={Apr} } @article{mccarthy_perkins_roberts_potter_guin_carroll_deringer_borden_2020, title={Evaluation of a Coach-Based Technical Assistance Model: An Evolving Focus on Coachability and Goal Setting}, volume={8}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Human Sciences and Extension}, author={McCarthy, K.J. and Perkins, D.F. and Roberts, M. and Potter, S. and Guin, A.G. and Carroll, J.B. and Deringer, N.C. and Borden, L.M.}, year={2020}, pages={28–50} } @book{chilcote_guin_ward_ives_bedell_2020, place={Chapel Hill, NC}, title={Mooving Milk from Farm to Fridge}, institution={UNCPress}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Ward, S. and Ives, A. and Bedell, K.}, year={2020} } @book{chilcote_guin_ward_ives_bedell_2020, title={Mooving Milk from Farm to Fridge}, publisher={UNCPress}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Ward, S. and Ives, A. and Bedell, K.}, year={2020} } @phdthesis{guin_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Professional Development for North Carolina 4-H Educators Who Teach Science: A Mixed-Methods Case Study of 4-H Science Curricula Training}, url={https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.20/38314/etd.pdf?sequence=1}, school={North Carolina State University}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2020} } @misc{guin_2020, title={So What? 4-H Common Measures Surveys}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2020}, month={Mar} } @article{guin_2020, title={So What? 4-H Common Measures Surveys}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2020} } @book{driscoll_chilcote_guin_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Winged Wonders}, institution={NC 4-H}, author={Driscoll, L. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2020} } @book{driscoll_chilcote_guin_2020, title={Winged Wonders}, publisher={NC 4-H}, author={Driscoll, L. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_greenaway_haynes_2019, title={Empowering Youth and Families: Development of an Opioid Prevention Program}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Greenaway, A. and Haynes, C.}, year={2019} } @misc{guin_chilcote_greenaway_magner_maness_2019, title={How Extension is Empowering Youth, Families, and Communities to Prevent Opioid Misuse}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Greenaway, A. and Magner, T. and Maness, N.}, year={2019} } @article{guin_chilcote_greenaway_magner_maness_2019, title={How Extension is Empowering Youth, Families, and Communities to Prevent Opioid Misuse}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Greenaway, A. and Magner, T. and Maness, N.}, year={2019} } @misc{guin_2019, title={Sharing Your 4-H Program Story through Evaluation}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2019}, month={Mar} } @misc{guin_2019, title={Sharing Your 4-H Program Story through Evaluation}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2019}, month={Feb} } @article{guin_2019, title={Sharing Your 4-H Program Story through Evaluation}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2019} } @misc{guin_fruhauf_kim_weigel_yancura_2019, title={Successfully Recruiting and Engaging Participants from Non-traditional Families}, author={Guin, A. and Fruhauf, C. and Kim, Y. and Weigel, D. and Yancura, L.}, year={2019} } @article{guin_fruhauf_kim_weigel_yancura_2019, title={Successfully Recruiting and Engaging Participants from Non-traditional Families}, author={Guin, A. and Fruhauf, C. and Kim, Y. and Weigel, D. and Yancura, L.}, year={2019} } @misc{chilcote_guin_2019, title={Update on Progress for the Empowering Youth and Families Program}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2019}, month={Feb} } @article{chilcote_guin_2019, title={Update on Progress for the Empowering Youth and Families Program}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2019} } @article{guin_allen_barnes_2018, title={Development and Pilot Evaluation of the Very Important Parents Program (VIP): An Intensive Parent Education Program for Teens}, volume={22}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.26536/fsr.2018.22.03.07}, DOI={10.26536/fsr.2018.22.03.07}, abstractNote={The personal, societal, and economic impacts of teen childbearing indicate a significant need for efforts that support young parents and their children. Despite overall downward trends in its national rate of teen pregnancy, the United States continues to have the highest teen pregnancy rate among developed Western nations. Providing research-based parent education and coaching support has proven to help young parents understand child development and safety and reduce the possibility of child abuse and neglect. This study evaluates a teenspecific parent education program, the Very Important Parents (VIP) Program. The VIP Program combines knowledge in the fields of parenting, relationships, life skills, and youth development in a year-long, technologically enhanced educational initiative for adolescent parents. Retrospective post-then-presurveys were used to gauge the VIP program’s impact on teen parent participants’ (N=30) knowledge, understanding, and use of skills related to successful parenting. The surveys also examined their understanding, comfort, and use of technology in relation to their roles as parents. Results indicate that teen parent participants experienced statistically significant gains in factors related to successful parenting and in the use of technology to support their parenting.}, number={3}, journal={Family Science Review}, publisher={Family Science Association}, author={Guin, Autumn and Allen, Kimberly and Barnes, Jenna}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{chilcote_guin_allen_downing_greenaway_oden_2018, title={Empowering Youth and Families Program, Powerful Communities Curriculum}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Allen, K. and Downing, M. and Greenaway, A. and Oden, S.}, year={2018}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{guin_wells-marshall_2018, title={Engaging Program Staff with Data: Figuring Out What Is Working & Not Working}, author={Guin, A. and Wells-Marshall, M.}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @misc{borden_perkins_guin_wells-marshall_2018, title={Introduction to Evaluation Institute}, author={Borden, L. and Perkins, D. and Guin, A. and Wells-Marshall, M.}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @article{borden_perkins_guin_wells-marshall_2018, title={Introduction to Evaluation Institute}, author={Borden, L. and Perkins, D. and Guin, A. and Wells-Marshall, M.}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{guin_skuza_2018, title={Leveraging CYFAR Funds to Establish a Program’s Evidence Base}, author={Guin, A. and Skuza, J.}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_hassan_koci_greenaway_2018, title={Merging Research and STEM Education to Create Vertically Integrated Food Safety Curricula}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Hassan, H. and Koci, M. and Greenaway, A.}, year={2018}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_hassan_koci_mcevoy_2018, title={Merging Research and STEM Education to Create Vertically Integrated Food Safety Curricula}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Hassan, H. and Koci, M. and McEvoy, A.}, year={2018}, month={Apr} } @misc{guin_deringer_ouellette_teller_urieta_yancura_teller_2018, title={Perspectives from the Field: Creating Culturally Inclusive CYFAR Programs}, author={Guin, A. and Deringer, N. and Ouellette, K. and Teller, S. and Urieta, D. and Yancura, L. and Teller, S.}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @article{guin_deringer_ouellette_teller_urieta_yancura_teller_2018, title={Perspectives from the Field: Creating Culturally Inclusive CYFAR Programs}, author={Guin, A. and Deringer, N. and Ouellette, K. and Teller, S. and Urieta, D. and Yancura, L. and Teller, S.}, year={2018} } @book{skidmore_brennan_brown_cuthbertson_dellifield_elswick_ruffin_klemme_kowalkowski_lindsay_et al._2018, title={Report to the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy from the Extension Opioid Crisis Response Workgroup}, author={Skidmore, M. and Brennan, A. and Brown, R. and Cuthbertson, C. and Dellifield, J. and Elswick, A. and Ruffin, N. and Klemme, R. and Kowalkowski, B. and Lindsay, A. and et al.}, year={2018} } @book{skidmore_brennan_brown_cuthbertson_dellifield_elswick_ruffin_klemme_kowalkowski_lindsay_et al._2018, title={Report to the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy from the Extension Opioid Crisis Response Workgroup}, author={Skidmore, M. and Brennan, A. and Brown, R. and Cuthbertson, C. and Dellifield, J. and Elswick, A. and Ruffin, N. and Klemme, R. and Kowalkowski, B. and Lindsay, A. and et al.}, year={2018} } @misc{guin_wells-marshall_2018, title={Telling Your Program Story. How to Communicate Evaluation Findings to Stakeholders}, author={Guin, A. and Wells-Marshall, M.}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @article{guin_wells-marshall_2018, title={Telling Your Program Story. How to Communicate Evaluation Findings to Stakeholders}, author={Guin, A. and Wells-Marshall, M.}, year={2018} } @article{barnes_guin_allen_2018, title={Training needs and online learning preferences of early childhood professionals}, volume={39}, ISSN={1090-1027 1745-5642}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10901027.2017.1347909}, DOI={10.1080/10901027.2017.1347909}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Providing early childhood professionals with professional development opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge can improve quality of care. For professional development to be valued by the early childhood workforce, it is essential to offer meaningful content that accommodates the needs of the learner. With an increasing demand for quality professional development, as well as the expansion of online learning opportunities, this qualitative study explores the opinions of 14 North Carolina early childhood professionals regarding their professional development training needs and online learning preferences. Training content needs, experiences with online learning, and recommendations for training development are discussed. This study has implications for professional development creators and trainers for advancing the education and growth of the early childhood workforce.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Barnes, Jenna K. and Guin, Autumn and Allen, Kim}, year={2018}, month={Apr}, pages={114–130} } @misc{allen_guin_chilcote_oden_kirby_2018, title={Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences}, author={Allen, K. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Oden, S. and Kirby, S.}, year={2018}, month={Mar} } @article{allen_guin_chilcote_oden_kirby_2018, title={Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences}, author={Allen, K. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Oden, S. and Kirby, S.}, year={2018} } @article{palmer_downing_chilcote_guin_2018, title={When Murphy's Law Gets in the Way of Grant Plans: Advertising, Hiring, and Retaining Staff}, author={Palmer, L. and Downing, M. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2018} } @misc{palmer_downing_chilcote_guin_2018, title={When Murphy’s Law Gets in the Way of Grant Plans: Advertising, Hiring, and Retaining Staff}, author={Palmer, L. and Downing, M. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2018}, month={Jun} } @misc{guin_2017, title={Community Asset Mapping}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Jun} } @article{guin_2017, title={Community Asset Mapping}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @article{jakes_guin_2017, title={Engaging Communities: It's all about relationships}, author={Jakes, S. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @misc{jakes_guin_2017, title={Engaging Communities: It’s all about relationships}, author={Jakes, S. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Apr} } @misc{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Introduction and Module 1: Why Program Evaluation?}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Sep} } @article{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Introduction and Module 1: Why Program Evaluation?}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @misc{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 2: What Constitutes Good Evaluation?}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Sep} } @article{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 2: What Constitutes Good Evaluation?}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @misc{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 3: Introduction to the Logic Model Part I}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Oct} } @article{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 3: Introduction to the Logic Model Part I}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @misc{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 7: Engaging Program Staff with Data}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Oct} } @misc{williams_wells-marshall_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 7: Engaging Program Staff with Data}, author={Williams, R. and Wells-Marshall, J. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={May} } @article{williams_wells-marshall_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 7: Engaging Program Staff with Data}, author={Williams, R. and Wells-Marshall, J. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @article{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Module 7: Engaging Program Staff with Data}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @inproceedings{williams_cox_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute Session 1: Why Program Evaluation?}, author={Williams, R. and Cox, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={May} } @misc{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute: Engaging CYFAR Sites in Program Evaluation}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Jul} } @article{williams_guin_2017, title={Evaluation Institute: Engaging CYFAR Sites in Program Evaluation}, author={Williams, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @book{driscoll_chilcote_guin_barnes_2017, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Hive Helpers 4th Grade}, institution={NC 4-H}, author={Driscoll, L. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Barnes, T.}, year={2017} } @book{driscoll_chilcote_guin_barnes_2017, title={Hive Helpers 4th Grade}, publisher={NC 4-H}, author={Driscoll, L. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Barnes, T.}, year={2017} } @book{chilcote_guin_bedell_gordon_page_barnes_mcevoy_2017, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={I am an Ecosystem}, institution={Department of 4-H Youth Development, NC State University}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Bedell, K. and Gordon, C. and Page, S. and Barnes, T. and McEvoy, A.}, year={2017} } @book{chilcote_guin_bedell_gordon_page_barnes_mcevoy_2017, title={I am an Ecosystem}, publisher={Department of 4-H Youth Development, NC State University}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Bedell, K. and Gordon, C. and Page, S. and Barnes, T. and McEvoy, A.}, year={2017} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_hassan_koci_mcevoy_2017, title={Merging Research and STEM Education to Create Vertically Integrated Food Safety Curricula}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Hassan, H. and Koci, M. and McEvoy, A.}, year={2017}, month={Jan} } @book{chilcote_guin_rhew_boop_palmer_mcevoy_barnes_2017, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Microbes on My Mind}, institution={Department of 4-H Youth Development, NC State University}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Rhew, B. and Boop, L. and Palmer, C. and McEvoy, A. and Barnes, T.}, year={2017} } @book{chilcote_guin_rhew_boop_palmer_mcevoy_barnes_2017, title={Microbes on My Mind}, publisher={Department of 4-H Youth Development, NC State University}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Rhew, B. and Boop, L. and Palmer, C. and McEvoy, A. and Barnes, T.}, year={2017} } @book{chilcote_guin_raymond_baker_tawade_mcevoy_barnes_2017, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Microbes the World Within}, institution={Department of 4-H Youth Development, NC State University}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Raymond, V. and Baker, W. and Tawade, K. and McEvoy, A. and Barnes, T.}, year={2017} } @book{chilcote_guin_raymond_baker_tawade_mcevoy_barnes_2017, title={Microbes the World Within}, publisher={Department of 4-H Youth Development, NC State University}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Raymond, V. and Baker, W. and Tawade, K. and McEvoy, A. and Barnes, T.}, year={2017} } @misc{chilcote_guin_2017, title={Understanding the Empowering Youth and Families Program}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Nov} } @article{chilcote_guin_2017, title={Understanding the Empowering Youth and Families Program}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @misc{chilcote_guin_2017, title={Using Curriculum for Youth Audiences}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2017}, month={Dec} } @article{chilcote_guin_2017, title={Using Curriculum for Youth Audiences}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2017} } @article{barnes_guin_allen_jolly_2016, title={Engaging Parents in Early Childhood Education: Perspectives of Childcare Providers}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1552-3934"]}, DOI={10.1111/fcsr.12164}, abstractNote={Successful engagement of parents in early childhood education has significant implications for a growing child's well‐being and success. This qualitative study analyzes the perspectives of 14 North Carolina childcare providers on how providers communicate with parents, how communication is received by parents, and barriers to successful parent engagement. Results indicated that childcare providers used diverse, parent‐centered, and technology‐based communication strategies to connect with families. While successful communication was common, so were barriers to reaching many families. These barriers suggest the need for programs, training, and resources to help both parents and providers connect.}, number={4}, journal={FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Barnes, Jenna K. and Guin, Autumn and Allen, Kim and Jolly, Christina}, year={2016}, month={Jun}, pages={360–374} } @inproceedings{barnes_guin_allen_jolly_2016, title={Innovative professional development: Meeting the needs of early childhood educators}, author={Barnes, J. and Guin, A. and Allen, K. and Jolly, C.}, year={2016}, month={May} } @article{guin_2016, title={Let's talk about parenting guilt}, journal={VIP Parenting blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @misc{guin_2016, title={Let’s talk about parenting guilt}, journal={VIP Parenting blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={Mar} } @misc{guin_2016, title={Make 2016 a year for keeping promises}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={Jan} } @article{guin_2016, title={Make 2016 a year for keeping promises}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{guin_rhew_downing_chilcote_2016, title={Microbes on my Mind: Introduction to NC 4-H Microbiology and Food Safety Middle School Curriculum}, author={Guin, A. and Rhew, B. and Downing, M. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2016}, month={Oct} } @misc{guin_2016, title={Raising successful kids means teaching them to wait}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={Feb} } @article{guin_2016, title={Raising successful kids means teaching them to wait}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @misc{guin_2016, title={Talking to Kids about Terrorism and Tragedy in the News}, journal={VIP Parenting Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={Jun} } @article{guin_2016, title={Talking to Kids about Terrorism and Tragedy in the News}, journal={VIP Parenting Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @misc{guin_2016, title={The gift of acceptance}, journal={VIP Parenting blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={Apr} } @article{guin_2016, title={The gift of acceptance}, journal={VIP Parenting blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @misc{kurzynske_stivers_mead_guin_2016, title={Using the CYFAR Core Competencies and professional development resources in your CYFAR program}, author={Kurzynske, J. and Stivers, W. and Mead, J. and Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={Sep} } @article{kurzynske_stivers_mead_guin_2016, title={Using the CYFAR Core Competencies and professional development resources in your CYFAR program}, author={Kurzynske, J. and Stivers, W. and Mead, J. and Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @misc{guin_2016, title={What to do when baby cries}, journal={VIP Parenting blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={Feb} } @article{guin_2016, title={What to do when baby cries}, journal={VIP Parenting blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @misc{guin_2016, title={When Kids Go Wild Part I: Learn why kids misbehave and what to do about it}, journal={VIP Parenting Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016}, month={May} } @article{guin_2016, title={When Kids Go Wild Part I: Learn why kids misbehave and what to do about it}, journal={VIP Parenting Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2016} } @inproceedings{barnes_jolly_guin_allen_2015, title={4-H Very Important Parents}, author={Barnes, J. and Jolly, C. and Guin, A. and Allen, K.}, year={2015}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{chilcote_guin_lawrence_2015, title={An Introductory Curriculum to Bioenergy: Farm-Based Fuels}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Lawrence, M.}, year={2015} } @article{kirby_guin_chilcote_2015, title={Creating the next generation of residential energy stewards using the energy transformation curriculum}, volume={42}, ISSN={0888-2746 2376-0923}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08882746.2015.1121687}, DOI={10.1080/08882746.2015.1121687}, abstractNote={Youth are members of the current generation of energy consumers, and the future generation of energy stewards. These young people are also the next generation of housing consumers. As such, it is important that they know how energy is used in a home and develop an understanding about energy efficiency and conservation skills and strategies in order to reduce overall usage and improve energy efficiency in the home.}, number={3}, journal={Housing and Society}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Kirby, Sarah D. and Guin, Autumn G. and Chilcote, Amy G.}, year={2015}, month={Oct}, pages={250–258} } @article{kirby_guin_langham_2015, title={Energy Education Incentives: Evaluating the impact of consumer energy kits}, volume={53}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Kirby, S. and Guin, A. and Langham, L.}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{kirby_guin_chilcote_2015, title={Energy transformation 6th grade school enrichment program}, author={Kirby, S. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{koci_hassan_hughes_guin_chilcote_tucker_2015, title={Food Safety: Integrated Basic Research and STEM Education}, publisher={Growing World Innovation Fair}, author={Koci, M. and Hassan, H. and Hughes, R. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A. and Tucker, C.}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{barnes_jolly_allen_guin_2015, title={Get Connected: Using Technology to Engage Families}, author={Barnes, J. and Jolly, C. and Allen, K. and Guin, A.}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{jolly_barnes_guin_allen_2015, title={Leveraging Technology for 21st Century Parenting Education}, author={Jolly, C. and Barnes, J. and Guin, A. and Allen, K.}, year={2015} } @misc{guin_chilcote_2015, title={Practical Data Analysis Tools to Share Your Program Story}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2015} } @article{guin_chilcote_2015, title={Practical Data Analysis Tools to Share Your Program Story}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2015} } @misc{guin_2015, title={Stress happens! Tips to keep your cool and your sanity when you just want to scream}, journal={VIP Parents Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2015}, month={Nov} } @article{guin_2015, title={Stress happens! Tips to keep your cool and your sanity when you just want to scream}, journal={VIP Parents Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2015} } @misc{guin_2015, title={Tis the season for everyone to tell you how to parent your child}, journal={VIP Parents Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2015}, month={Nov} } @article{guin_2015, title={Tis the season for everyone to tell you how to parent your child}, journal={VIP Parents Blog}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2015} } @inproceedings{chilcote_guin_mccollum_2015, title={Using Schools and Youth Adult Partnerships to Deliver 4-H Health Rocks! Substance Abuse Prevention Program}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and McCollum, S.}, year={2015} } @book{allen_roper_guin_barnes_jolly_evans_2015, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Very important Parent Curriculum}, institution={Department of Youth, Family, and Community Sciences, NC State University}, author={Allen, K. and Roper, R. and Guin, A. and Barnes, J. and Jolly, C. and Evans, C.}, year={2015} } @book{allen_roper_guin_barnes_jolly_evans_2015, title={Very important Parent Curriculum}, publisher={Department of Youth, Family, and Community Sciences, NC State University}, author={Allen, K. and Roper, R. and Guin, A. and Barnes, J. and Jolly, C. and Evans, C.}, year={2015} } @article{allen_el-beshti_guin_2014, title={An Integrative Adlerian Approach to Creating a Teen Parenting Program}, volume={70}, ISSN={2332-0583}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/jip.2014.0006}, DOI={10.1353/jip.2014.0006}, abstractNote={ Adlerian theory is a foundation used by numerous parent education programs, and it is also defensibly an unyielding theoretical foundation for teen parent educational programs. Teen programs can be supported and enhanced by the inclusion of additional theoretical approaches to serving youth. In this article, the authors discuss how integrating relationship education, life skill development, and educational attainment, as well as specific approaches to program engagement and delivery, can enhance the learning environment for young parents. This theoretical overview is designed to showcase a representation of principles and practices that are important for developing quality teen parenting programs.}, number={1}, journal={The Journal of Individual Psychology}, publisher={Project Muse}, author={Allen, Kimberly and El-Beshti, Rasha and Guin, Autumn}, year={2014}, pages={6–20} } @inproceedings{el-beshti_allen_guin_2014, title={An Integrative Adlerian Approach to Creating a Teen Parenting Program}, author={El-Beshti, R. and Allen, K. and Guin, A.}, year={2014} } @inproceedings{allen_guin_2014, title={Ann integrative Adlerian approach to creating a teen parenting program}, author={Allen, K. and Guin, A.}, year={2014} } @inproceedings{kirby_guin_chilcote_2014, title={Assessment of the energy transformation curriculum: Changes in knowledge and practice for participating youth}, author={Kirby, S. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2014} } @article{kirby_guin_langham_chilcote_2014, title={Exploring the Impact of the E-Conservation Residential Energy Audit Program}, volume={41}, ISSN={0888-2746 2376-0923}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08882746.2014.11430622}, DOI={10.1080/08882746.2014.11430622}, abstractNote={Abstract Residential home energy assessments, also known as home energy audits, are comprehensive evaluations of a home’s energy use conducted by certified home energy raters. Energy assessments help consumers identify areas in their home where significant energy savings can be made. Energy assessments also identify occupant behaviors that contribute to overall energy use. The E-Conservation Consumer Energy Education Program successfully utilized home energy audits to help consumers identify building structure and occupant behaviors that contributed to high energy use in their homes. Examining impacts of the audits revealed that those homeowners who were able to implement suggestions from the energy audits realized home energy savings. Examination also revealed that time, cost, and lack of information served as barriers to making home energy efficient improvements.}, number={1}, journal={Housing and Society}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Kirby, Sarah D. and Guin, Autumn H. and Langham, Laura and Chilcote, Amy}, year={2014}, month={Jan}, pages={71–88} } @inproceedings{guin_2014, title={Program planning: Needs assessment to evaluation}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2014} } @inproceedings{allen_jolly_guin_2014, title={Using technology with young parents: Integrative Adlerian approaches to parenting}, author={Allen, K. and Jolly, C. and Guin, A.}, year={2014} } @misc{allen_guin_2014, title={Very Important Teen Parent Program}, author={Allen, K. and Guin, A.}, year={2014} } @article{allen_guin_2014, title={Very Important Teen Parent Program}, author={Allen, K. and Guin, A.}, year={2014} } @misc{jakes_guin_2013, title={CYFAR guiding principles and the requirements for a community approach}, author={Jakes, S. and Guin, A.}, year={2013} } @article{jakes_guin_2013, title={CYFAR guiding principles and the requirements for a community approach}, author={Jakes, S. and Guin, A.}, year={2013} } @article{guin_kirby_2013, title={Exploring Determinants of Consumer Energy Conservation Decision-Making as a Foundation for Residential Energy Conservation Programs}, volume={18}, number={2}, journal={The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues}, author={Guin, A. and Kirby, S.}, year={2013} } @misc{guin_2012, title={Environmental Scanning}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2012}, month={Jan} } @article{guin_2012, title={Environmental Scanning}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2012} } @inproceedings{guin_silliman_2012, title={Evaluation learning circles: Taking another step to capacity}, author={Guin, A. and Silliman, B.}, year={2012} } @inproceedings{guin_2012, title={Fostering inclusive practice}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2012} } @misc{guin_2012, title={Fostering inclusive practice}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2012} } @article{guin_2012, title={Fostering inclusive practice}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2012} } @inproceedings{chilcote_guin_2012, title={How to build scope and sequence: Ensuring that research and references are credited and relevant}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2012} } @inproceedings{guin_moses_2012, title={The value of evaluation}, author={Guin, A. and Moses, M.}, year={2012} } @article{silliman_guin_2012, title={Tracking Evaluation Capacity with Youth Professionals}, volume={7}, ISSN={2325-4017 2325-4009}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/jyd.2012.150}, DOI={10.5195/jyd.2012.150}, abstractNote={A pilot program mentoring youth professionals through “learning-by-doing” projects yielded consistent increases in evaluation knowledge and skills over three years. Self-assessed skill improvements were greatest for preparatory processes (planning, focusing, design, selecting methods) and reporting competencies that are more often emphasized in organizational evaluation requirements. Smaller increases in data collection and analysis skills were also perceived by participating youth professionals. Focus groups with each of six evaluation “learning circle” groups revealed benefits of participation in the evaluation “learning circle,” as well as needs for evaluation training and tools, and challenges faced within the organizational culture.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Youth Development}, publisher={University Library System, University of Pittsburgh}, author={Silliman, Ben and Guin, Autumn}, year={2012}, month={Mar}, pages={24–34} } @misc{guin_2011, title={Asking the Right Questions to Get a Program Started}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2011}, month={Apr} } @article{guin_2011, title={Asking the Right Questions to Get a Program Started}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{guin_2011, title={Asking the right questions to get a program started}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2011}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_2011, title={Beyond Environmental Scanning: Holistic Needs Assessment and Planning for Success}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{emery_laumatia_jakes_guin_2011, title={Coaching for community change: Approaches for implementing sustainable strategies for healthy communities and youth}, author={Emery, M. and Laumatia, L. and Jakes, S. and Guin, A.}, year={2011} } @misc{guin_2011, title={Environmental Scanning}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2011}, month={Jan} } @article{guin_2011, title={Environmental Scanning}, author={Guin, A.}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{silliman_guin_2011, title={Evaluation learning circles: Taking the step to action}, author={Silliman, B. and Guin, A}, year={2011}, month={Nov} } @misc{guin_chilcote_2011, title={Focus Groups: The Power of Listening}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2011}, month={Apr} } @article{guin_chilcote_2011, title={Focus Groups: The Power of Listening}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_2011, title={Focus groups: The power of listening}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2011}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{guin_chilcote_2011, title={Planning for program success from the inside out: Identifying community needs through environmental scanning and organizational climate studies}, author={Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{jakes_roper_guin_2011, title={Programming with under-resourced clients: Understanding for effectiveness}, author={Jakes, S. and Roper, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2011} } @inproceedings{silliman_guin_2011, title={Thinking again about evaluation capacity-building}, author={Silliman, B. and Guin, A.}, year={2011}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{guerdat_chilcote_guin_2010, title={Cooperative Extension and the New Schools Project: A 21st century partnership}, author={Guerdat, K. and Chilcote, A. and Guin, A.}, year={2010} } @misc{guin_roper_2010, title={Multicultural Issues: Families in Poverty}, author={Guin, A. and Roper, R.}, year={2010}, month={Oct} } @article{guin_roper_2010, title={Multicultural Issues: Families in Poverty}, author={Guin, A. and Roper, R.}, year={2010} } @inproceedings{emery_laumatia_guin_2010, title={Using the community capitals framework to map program outcomes}, author={Emery, M. and Laumatia, L. and Guin, A.}, year={2010} } @article{debord_jakes_guin_2010, title={When the quick fix doesn’t work: Evaluating the effect of parent education on child abuse}, volume={48}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={DeBord, K. and Jakes, S. and Guin, A.}, year={2010} } @inproceedings{guin_dowdy_chilcote_kirby_2009, title={E-Conservation Workshop}, author={Guin, A. and Dowdy, J. and Chilcote, A. and Kirby, S.}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{chilcote_helton_kirby_maxa_silliman_guin_2009, title={Energy Our History, Energy Our Future School Enrichment Pilot Program}, author={Chilcote, A. and Helton, J. and Kirby, S. and Maxa, E. and Silliman, B. and Guin, A.}, year={2009} } @article{kirby_guin_chilcote_2009, title={Energy education ideas that work}, volume={47}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Extension}, author={Kirby, S. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{jakes_emery_guin_2009, title={Finding strengths in every community: Working across class and culture}, author={Jakes, S. and Emery, M. and Guin, A.}, year={2009} } @inproceedings{jakes_guin_rossing_brown_sellars_2008, title={Creating Connections to Build Multicultural Communities}, author={Jakes, S. and Guin, A. and Rossing, B. and Brown, B. and Sellars, D.}, year={2008}, month={May} } @inproceedings{kirby_guin_chilcote_2008, title={Residential Energy Audits: A Tool for Enhancing Consumer Energy Efficiency and Conservation}, author={Kirby, S. and Guin, A. and Chilcote, A.}, year={2008}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{jakes_guin_rossing_perkins_brown_behnke_2007, title={Community Building Approaches to Working with Children, Youth, and Families}, author={Jakes, S. and Guin, A. and Rossing, B. and Perkins, D. and Brown, B. and Behnke, A.}, year={2007}, month={May} } @inproceedings{jakes_roper_guin_2007, title={Community Building in North Carolina: Connecting State & Local Resources}, author={Jakes, S. and Roper, R. and Guin, A.}, year={2007}, month={May} } @inproceedings{guin_jakes_2007, title={Community Participatory Action Research: What is it and why should we do it?}, author={Guin, A. and Jakes, S.}, year={2007}, month={May} } @inproceedings{chilcote_guin_kirby_2007, title={Residential Energy Conservation: Program Design for Today’s Consumers}, author={Chilcote, A. and Guin, A. and Kirby, S.}, year={2007}, month={Oct} }